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  • Ratatouille (a healthier version of lasagna)

    Ratatouille is a French Provençal stewed vegetable dish, originating in Nice. Recipes and cooking times differ widely, but common ingredients include tomato, garlic, onion, zucchini, eggplant, bell pepper, and some combination of leafy green herbs. This is an easy and healthy recipe. And taste soooo good. 😋 Ready to start? Ingredients: Your favorite tomato sauce 1 Eggplant (cut the skin out and slice in small cylinders) Shredded mozzarella cheese (regular or from almond milk) 2 zucchini (peel the skin and slice in small cylinders) 1 cup of mushroom (cut in small pieces) 1 tomato Seasoning: salt, black pepper, oregano, and Italian herbs Steps to Make it: Place tomato sauce on the 8x12 glass or metal dish until it covers the bottom. Create a layer with the zucchini's cylinders. Create a layer with the eggplant's cylinders and place the mushroom and tomato on top of the vegetables. Season with salt, black pepper, oregano, and Italian herbs 5. Top the layers with tomato sauce 6. Warm Oven at 400° 7. Bake for 30 min. 8. Add cheese on top and bake for another 5 min to melt the cheese.😋😋😋😋😋 * Tip: I also substituted the mushrooms for 1 sweet potato the other day and it also tasted really good. Be creative. It is delicious and so easy to make it. 😋 Use organic ingredients as often as possible. Your microbiome and your gut will thank you. Running out of healthy recipes to prepare? No worries, we have more! For more healthy recipes. Join Be Healthy Academy! Wanting to start a healthy lifestyle but, you don't know where to begin? Be Healthy Academy provides more than just healthy recipes. Be Healthy Academy is dedicated to helping transform lives by providing customized programs to each of its members according to their needs. It provides a balanced, holistic, and healthy approach that lets its members long-lastingly transform from within. DISCOVER, CREATE, AND TRANSFORM to the best and healthier version of YOU. Become a member now! “Let food be thy medicine" -Hippocrates

  • Things to Do When You’re Overwhelmed

    Some day can be a challenge. It can be draining and at some point, we get overwhelmed. A lot of us are consumed with the responsibilities and even being trapped in a rat race. The modern world is moving faster than ever, and it seems as if we will never catch up to all the competing priorities and challenges of our time. When we feel overwhelmed, it is important that we take a step back and breathe. Here are some tips to help you when everything feels overwhelming: 1. Prioritize Self-Care At one point or another, everyone goes through a tough time. Whether it’s financial woes, a messy breakup, a tragic loss, or just the pressure of daily responsibilities, its hard to stay grounded and feel balanced all the time. And when stress, anxiety, and worry start to take over, life can become overwhelming and you may start to feel burned out. Start to create a healthier relationship with yourself, with food, your body, and weight, then you can feel your best . You can check in with yourself and recognize if you’re feeling out of balance and stressed. Looking for 33 simple ways to practice self-care? Click here. 2. Shift Your Perspective The key to shifting your perspective is to remember what you're aiming for, what is most important for you. If you feel like you aren't learning anything, look around, search for opportunities. Chances are, someone around you knows something you don't -- and you can ask them questions. You can use every situation in your life to create moments of growth and opportunity. Pay attention to the little things around you and use those opportunities to celebrate the small victories. 3. Breathe Deeply Have you ever noticed how you breathe when you feel relaxed? The next time you are relaxed, take a moment to notice how your body feels. Or think about how you breathe when you first wake up in the morning or just before you fall asleep. Deep breathing is one of the easiest ways to decrease stress in the body. This is because when you breathe deeply, it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. The brain then sends this message to your body. Those things that happen when you are stressed, such as increased heart rate, fast breathing, and high blood pressure, all decrease as you breathe deeply. It is such a good way to practice emotional decluttering Breathing exercises can help you relax because they make your body activate your sympathetic system (relax, repair and digest) and stop the "fight or flight" response. 4. Meditate Meditation may feel like an extra burden if you already lead an overwhelmed life. However, the reality is that practicing meditation will help you to be more productive and accomplish more during the day. There's only a limited amount of time each day. But many of us get trapped in trying to accomplish more than is humanely possible. Is this what’s happening for you? Meditation will also help you to prioritize your tasks. The more grounded and conscientious you are, the more focus you are. Meditation has so many benefits. 5. Slow Down and Manage Your Time Most of us know that we could be managing our time more effectively, but it can be difficult to identify the mistakes that we're making and to know how we could improve. When we do manage our time well, however, we're exceptionally productive at work, and our stress levels drop. We can devote time to the interesting, high-reward projects that can make a real difference to a career. Focus on habits that can transform your life, such as exercising, tracking what you eat, developing daily routines, and meditating. These habits replace bad habits and solicit other good habits. As a result, you’ll be healthier, more focused, and better suited to manage your time. On another note, managing your time sometimes means learning to say 'NO'. Yes, we don't want to disappoint anyone. But, you can only handle so much. If you already have a full plate then you can decline that party invitation or helping your colleagues on a project until you have the spare time. 6. Move Mindfully Mindfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. While mindfulness is something, we all naturally possess, it’s more readily available to us when we practice on a daily basis. Being mindful makes it easier to savor the pleasures in life as they occur. It improves our well-being. It helps in becoming fully engaged in activities and creates a greater capacity to deal with adverse events. Also, scientists have discovered that mindfulness improves physical health in a few ways. It can help relieve stress, treat heart disease, lower blood pressure, reduce chronic pain, improve sleep, and alleviate gastrointestinal difficulties. In addition, psychotherapists in recent years have turned to mindfulness meditation as an important element in the treatment of a number of problems, including depression, substance abuse, eating disorders, couples’ conflicts, anxiety disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. The goal of mindfulness is to wake up to our inner sensations (mental, emotional, and physical). Ana's YouTube Channel has many tools to improve your mindfulness. 7. Unplug – Go On a Digital Fast Also known by various other terms like “digital detox,” “digital Sabbath,” and “unplugging”, the idea behind a digital fast is to voluntarily and deliberately stop using all connected devices – smartphones, computers, tablets, and so on – that plug you to the internet for a pre-specified amount of time. Going device-free can be uncomfortable and stressful at times. Some people are so addicted to their phones, that they might feel annoyed, anxious, and even bored without the devices. While it may be hard, it can be a rewarding experience. Studies have found that the mere presence of a mobile device, even if you aren’t actively using it, lowers empathy levels and decreases conversation quality when interacting with other people, a phenomenon researchers have dubbed ‘the iPhone effect.’ 8. Get Plenty of Sleep Sleep may seem like a waste of time. You could instead be answering e-mail, doing the dishes, or doing something you think is more important. But, research shows that you're more likely to succeed at your tasks—and enjoy greater well-being—if you get a good amount of sleeping. Of course, it's not easy to sleep when you're feeling overwhelmed. In fact, nearly two-thirds of Americans say they lose sleep because of stress. That's especially unfortunate because sleep combats some of the fallout of stress, and poor sleep has been linked to significant problems. And that makes sleep even more important to help your body to relax and repair. Start to create a pleasant routine before going to bed and you will start to look forward to going to bed. This will help your brain to relax before you even lie down in bed. Perhaps, start to dim the lights a few hours before going to bed, have an earlier dinner, take a bath, play some music, etc. 9. Know When to Walk Away In both our personal and professional lives, there are times when reality dictates that we must stand up and "end" something. Endings are necessary. They are an essential part of life. Everything has seasons, and we have to be able to recognize when something's time has passed and to move on to the next season. Everything that is alive requires pruning as well, which is a great metaphor for endings. Embrace and welcome what is happening now, because you are in a great spot to really start making some profound changes, and dramatically redirect the course of your life. What is happening to you now is actually a really, really a good thing. 10. Go Easy on Yourself When you hit a rough patch, what does your self-talk sound like? For some of us, in those moments, our inner voice comes on like a drill-sergeant full of harsh words and criticism. Even people who are naturally supportive and understanding of others may find it hard to offer the same kindness to themselves. An area of behavioral science research observing self-compassion is taking a closer look at how kindly or unkindly we view ourselves, and the effects on mood, health, and overall well-being. Growing research from this field indicates that people who are self-compassionate tend to be more optimistic, resilient, satisfied in life, and generally happier than their tougher-talking counterparts. When you are hard on yourself for a failure or mistake then relax a bit and go easier on yourself. Make a habit of celebrating your small daily and weekly successes. No matter how small it is, it is still a success. Thus, give yourself a tap on the back. Remind yourself to keep the motivation and self-esteem up. Be Healthy Academy is dedicated to helping transform lives by providing customized programs to each of its members according to their needs. It provides a balanced, holistic, and healthy approach that lets its members long-lastingly transform from within. DISCOVER, CREATE, AND TRANSFORM to the best and healthier version of YOU. Become a member now! References: “The Chopra Center.” The Chopra Center, 3 Oct. 2019, Accessed 7 Apr. 2020. Bill Murphy Jr. “17 Things to Do When You’re Feeling Totally Overwhelmed.” Inc.Com, Inc., 20 Jan. 2016, Accessed 7 Apr. 2020. ‌Braden Thompson. “8 Important Things to Remember When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed.” Lifehack, Lifehack, 21 Feb. 2014, Accessed 7 Apr. 2020. ‌“What to Do When Your Life Is Overwhelming You.” Happify.Com, 2018, ‌Fontenot, Kaitlin. “Productivity Isn’t about Time Management, It’s about Managing Your Work.” Theresa Cantley LLC, 16 Nov. 2019, Accessed 7 Apr. 2020. ‌Langford, Elisabeth. “Natalie Shay.” Natalie Shay, 24 July 2017, Accessed 7 Apr. 2020. ‌ “This Is How To Shift Your Perspective to Create a Better Life.” Fearless Soul - Inspirational Music & Life Changing Thoughts, 30 Nov. 2018, Accessed 7 Apr. 2020. ‌Cole, Nicolas. “Change Your Perspective, Change Your Life.” Inc.Com, Inc., 26 Apr. 2016, ‌“Stress Management: Breathing Exercises for Relaxation.” HealthLink BC, 2017, Koller, Tessa. “Feeling Overwhelmed? Best 5 Meditation Apps to Destress During the Day.” Lifehack, Lifehack, 7 Sept. 2018, Accessed 7 Apr. 2020. ‌“Get Enough Sleep | Mental Health America.” Mhanational.Org, 2019, ‌“10 Common Time Management Mistakes Avoiding Common Pitfalls.” Mindtools.Com, 2009, Benna, Steven. “8 Keystone Habits That Can Transform Your Life.” Business Insider, helpguidewp. “HelpGuide.Org.” HelpGuide.Org, 21 Mar. 2019, Misra, Shalini, et al. “The IPhone Effect.” Environment and Behavior, vol. 48, no. 2, July 2014, pp. 275–298, 10.1177/0013916514539755. Accessed 10 Apr. 2019. ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌

  • Brussels Sprouts and Sweet Potato Hash Recipe

    Ingredients: 2 large sweet potato (cut into 1/2-inch cubes) 2 tablespoons olive oil Salt and pepper 1 pound Brussels sprouts (trimmed and cut in half) 1/2 onion (large diced) 1 bell pepper (large diced) 1 teaspoon smoked paprika 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin 1 pinch cayenne pepper 4 garlic cloves (roughly chopped) 6 large eggs Steps to Make It: 1- Gather the ingredients. 2- Preheat the oven to 425 F. 3- Add the sweet potatoes to a large baking sheet. Toss them with 1 tablespoon of oil and season with salt and pepper. Spread into a single layer. Roast for 20 minutes. 4- Toss the Brussels sprouts, onion and bell pepper in the remaining 1 tablespoon of oil and the paprika, cumin and cayenne pepper. Season with salt and pepper and add to the sweet potatoes. Toss together and spread out into a single layer. Roast for 15 more minutes, or until the potatoes are tender and the sprouts are browned. 5- Reduce the oven temperature to 400 F. 6- Add the garlic and add the veggies to a medium, oiled cast iron skillet or leave it in the baking sheet in an even layer. 7- Crack each egg on top of the veggies evenly spaced apart and not touching the sides of the pan. Season with salt and pepper. Bake for about 15 minutes, or until the whites are set but the yolks are runny. Test the egg whites by poking them with a knife. Boiled Beets I added beets to the side because my husband doesn't like beets and I want a bit more vegetables. You can add it to the recipe above if you like a sweet and sour flavor. Let me know how do you like it 😉 How to make it: 1/2 pound of organic beets Cut beets in slices. Place in a pan with water (until covering the beets). Boil it for approximately 20 min or until you be able to insert a fork with ease. Remove beets from water and serve it. This is such an easy full meal recipe. It is not just quick but, it is also healthy. If you want to have more vegetables, you can add beets as a side dish. Enjoy and let me know your experience :) Use organic ingredients as often as possible. Your microbiome and your gut will thank you. Running out of healthy recipes to prepare? No worries, we have more! For more healthy recipes. Join Be Healthy Academy! Wanting to start a healthy lifestyle but, you don't know where to begin? Be Healthy Academy provides more than just healthy recipes. Be Healthy Academy is dedicated to helping transform lives by providing customized programs to each of its members according to their needs. It provides a balanced, holistic, and healthy approach that lets its members long-lastingly transform from within. DISCOVER, CREATE, AND TRANSFORM to the best and healthier version of YOU. Become a member now! “Let food be thy medicine" -Hippocrates

  • Honor Your Power (by Understanding Fear and Embracing Possibilities)

    With the widespread panic about the flu, many people are creating an anticipated perception of illness, or are experiencing fear and powerless. There is always an equal opportunity to allow any form of collective hysteria to act as a wake-up call to greater consciousness — within you and the planet. With the collective conscious focusing on fear and uncertainty these days, it is important to take some time to pull back our energy and focus on empowerment. During the training, we were able to discuss how to honor power, release fear, and embrace positivity. We discussed: Introduction 3: 48 - Grounding meditation 14: 00 - Honor your power 27:50 - The effects that fear has on your health 32: 20 Release fear 39:30 Guided meditation 50: 20 - Discussion We had a guided short meditation on how to release fear. You can practice this whenever you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious about the current happenings. Be Healthy Academy is dedicated to helping transform lives by providing customized programs to each of its members according to their needs. It provides a balanced, holistic, and healthy approach that lets its members long-lastingly transform from within. DISCOVER, CREATE, AND TRANSFORM to the best and healthier version of YOU. Become a member now!

  • What are the best ways to boost your immune system and prevent from the Coronavirus?

    I asked my patients and the members of Be Healthy Academy what questions do they have about the Coronavirus and Dr. Monica Vaghela, NMD, from Charlotte Natural Wellness answered. Dr. Monica Vaghela, NMD Charlotte Natural Wellness Watch this video: We discussed: 2:16 - Why is everything getting canceled and shut down? 5:48 - How do you know if you have a coronavirus infection? 8:19 - What should you do? 9:26 - What can we do to protect ourselves? 14:20 - How can we release fear, stress, and anxiety? 23:28 - What supplements do you recommend? 27: 38 - I have heard that vitamin C is the most effective intravenously for this particular, is it true? Tips: 1. Don’t stress!🧘🏻‍♀️Stress weakens the immune system and makes you more vulnerable to illness. 2. Eat a healthy diet - make sure you’re getting a variety of veggies 🥑🥦🥕🥬 AVOID SUGAR!! Also, consider taking a probiotic. 3. Get enough sleep 😴 - rest is when the body heals. 4. Drink plenty of water! 💦 Water helps to flush out toxins, viruses, and bacteria from the system. 5. Wash your hands often and for 30 seconds! 🧼 This prevents the spread of germs. Don’t touch your eyes, nose or mouth without washing your hands! Use fist bumps or elbow bumps! 6. Up your immune support: Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Zinc, and herbs such as astragalus and elderberry. These supplements are not advised for pregnancy or nursing. You should consult your doctor before beginning any of these to make sure they are right for you. What supplement do I use, you may ask? The best products are made from nature, therefore make sure you increase the number of plants that you eat every day. But, if you want "supplement", I have listed below some of the products that I personally use and recommend to my patients to boost the immune system. I am quite picky about what I use and I prefer plant-based products (made from fruits, vegetables, herbs). Make sure you check the ingredients for sensitives :) * This list may contain affiliate links to my favorite products (I may receive a small commission for purchases made through these links and you may receive extra discounts). - Juice + - concentrated fruits and vegetables - Super food shakes: for extra fruits and vegetables - C From Nature: a natural, powerful combination of plants that is unsurpassed by any synthetic or manufactured vitamin C product. - Vir-U-Sure: extra support to immune function and even the healing process. - Biome Medic: this helps flush harmful toxins (like glyphosate from Round-up), support “good” bacteria and repair your microbiome. - Healthy Immune Function Pack (all 3 products above): help to support and sustain your immune function - Apothe-Cherry: may help to decrease inflammation and regulate melatonin, which may help balance circadian rhythms for proper sleep - Elderberry: search for local companies. "The Good Stuff" is based in Charlotte- NC. If you prefer to grow your own food, check this out. I hope you enjoy those products as much as I do. Ana ​ *For Purium's product = you can use my code (behealthywithana) to receive a $50 OFF* and try those products out. *Spend $75 or more = $50 OFF on your first order. Spend $200 or more = 25% discount (which is even more than $50!) More tips on how to boost your immune system? Read here. If you need help on strengthening your body and relaxing your mind. Schedule a FREE Discovery session now or join Be Healthy Academy.

  • Baked Acorn Squash

    You can eat this as a side dish or a full meal. I usually have 1/2 squash as a meal and it is enough for me (and for my husband) as a full meal. Ingredients: 2 acorn squashes, halved lengthwise and seeded 2 tbsp. orange juice 1/4 tsp. flaky salt 2 tbsp. butter 2 tbsp. pure maple syrup 1 tbsp. packed brown sugar 1 tsp. black pepper 1. Preheat oven to 400°F 2. Score flesh of squashes with a knife making 1/4 inch deep cuts. Arrange cut sides up, on a foil-lined, rimmed, baking sheet. Brush with orange juice and sprinkle with salt. Roast until lightly browned, about 20-30 minutes. 3. Meanwhile, simmer remaining ingredients, stirring occasionally, in a small skillet over medium heat until smooth and sugar have dissolved about 3 minutes. 4. Carefully pour off and discard any liquid from squash halves. Brush with glaze. Return to oven and roast until tender, about 20 minutes more. Spoon any glaze on baking sheet over squashes. If desired, sprinkle with additional salt Use organic ingredients as often as possible. Your microbiome and your gut will thank you. Running out of healthy recipes to prepare? No worries, we have more! For more healthy recipes. Join Be Healthy Academy! Wanting to start a healthy lifestyle but, you don't know where to begin? Be Healthy Academy provides more than just healthy recipes. Be Healthy Academy is dedicated to helping transform lives by providing customized programs to each of its members according to their needs. It provides a balanced, holistic, and healthy approach that lets its members long-lastingly transform from within. DISCOVER, CREATE, AND TRANSFORM to the best and healthier version of YOU. Become a member now! “Let food be thy medicine" -Hippocrates

  • Acai and Mango Smoothie

    Smoothies are a great way to add extra fruits and vegetables to your diet. Acai has tons of anti-oxidants and it is a natural energy booster. It works similar to caffeine. However, it gives you extra energy, where caffeine will force your body to use its' reserve. That's why people feel better temporarily with caffeine and worse later. Because they used their reserve and then they haven't' anything left. Therefore, I prefer to use Acai. 😋😋💪💪 Just remember, Acai has a lot of calories (healthy fat) and you don't want to use it often if you are trying to lose weight. ;) Ingredients: 2 packages of frozen acai berry 1/2 cup of mango 1 mango Greek yogurt A bit of spinach Few squares of beet Water or Almond milk to reach the desired thickness. I used approximately 1/2 cup. Blend all together and enjoy it. 😋😋 Don't take my measurements literally since I don't actually measure any of my recipes 😉😉 ** I usually cut beets in small squares and freeze it to add to my morning shakes. 🍇🍌🥦🍓😋😋 Use organic ingredients as often as possible. Your microbiome and your gut will thank you. Running out of healthy recipes to prepare? No worries, we have more! For more healthy recipes. Join Be Healthy Academy! Wanting to start a healthy lifestyle but, you don't know where to begin? Be Healthy Academy provides more than just healthy recipes. Be Healthy Academy is dedicated to helping transform lives by providing customized programs to each of its members according to their needs. It provides a balanced, holistic, and healthy approach that lets its members long-lastingly transform from within. DISCOVER, CREATE, AND TRANSFORM to the best and healthier version of YOU. Become a member now! “Let food be thy medicine" -Hippocrates

  • The 14 Best Foods to Increase Blood Flow and Circulation

    Poor circulation is a common problem caused by a number of conditions. Peripheral artery disease (PAD), diabetes, obesity, smoking and Raynaud’s disease are some of the many causes of poor circulation (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Reduced blood flow can cause unpleasant symptoms, such as pain, muscle cramps, numbness, digestive issues and coldness in the hands or feet. In addition to those with poor circulation, athletes and active individuals may want to increase blood flow in order to improve exercise performance and recovery. Although circulatory issues are often treated with medications, eating certain foods can also improve blood flow. Here are the 14 best foods to optimize blood flow. 1. Cayenne Pepper Cayenne pepper gets its spicy flavor from a phytochemical called capsaicin. Capsaicin promotes blood flow to tissues by lowering blood pressure and stimulating the release of nitric oxide and other vasodilators — or compounds that help expand your blood vessels (6). Vasodilators allow blood to flow more easily through your veins and arteries by relaxing the tiny muscles found in blood vessel walls. Research indicates that ingesting cayenne pepper increases circulation, improves blood vessel strength and reduces plaque buildup in your arteries (7). What’s more, these spicy peppers are frequently included in pain-relieving creams because they can encourage blood flow to the affected area (8). 2. Pomegranate Pomegranates are juicy, sweet fruits that are particularly high in polyphenol antioxidants and nitrates, which are potent vasodilators. Consuming pomegranate — as juice, raw fruit or supplement — may improve blood flow and oxygenation of muscle tissue, which could especially aid active individuals. A study in 19 active people, found that ingesting 1,000 mg of pomegranate extract 30 minutes before working out increased blood flow, blood vessel diameter and exercise performance (9). Another study demonstrated that daily consumption of 17 ounces (500 ml) of pomegranate juice during or before weight training reduced soreness, muscle damage and inflammation in elite weightlifters (10). 3. Onions Onions are an excellent source of flavonoid antioxidants, which benefit heart health. This vegetable improves circulation by helping your arteries and veins widen when blood flow increases. In a 30-day study in 23 men, taking 4.3 grams of onion extract daily significantly improved blood flow and artery dilation after meals (11). Onions also have anti-inflammatory properties, which can boost blood flow and heart health by reducing inflammation in veins and arteries (12). 4. Cinnamon Cinnamon is a warming spice that has many health benefits — including increased blood flow. In animal studies, cinnamon improved blood vessel dilation and blood flow in the coronary artery, which supplies blood to the heart. Rats fed 91 mg per pound (200 mg per kg) of body weight of cinnamon bark extract daily for eight weeks exhibited better heart performance and coronary artery blood flow after exhaustive exercise compared to rats in the control group (13). Plus, research shows that cinnamon can effectively reduce blood pressure in humans by relaxing your blood vessels. This improves circulation and keeps your heart healthy (14). In a study in 59 people with type 2 diabetes, 1,200 mg of cinnamon per day reduced systolic blood pressure (the top number of a reading) by an average of 3.4 mmHg after 12 weeks (15). 5. Garlic Garlic is well known for its beneficial impact on circulation and heart health. Studies suggest that garlic — specifically, its sulfur compounds, which include allicin — can increase tissue blood flow and lower blood pressure by relaxing your blood vessels. In fact, diets high in garlic are associated with better flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD), an indicator of blood flow efficiency. In a study in 42 people with coronary artery disease, those who consumed garlic powder tablets containing 1,200 mg of allicin twice daily for three months experienced a 50% improvement in blood flow through the upper arm artery compared to a placebo group (16). 6. Fatty Fish Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel are excellent sources of omega-3 fatty acids. These fats are especially beneficial for circulation because they promote the release of nitric oxide, which dilates your blood vessels and increases blood flow (17). Omega-3 fats also help inhibit the clumping of platelets in your blood, a process that can lead to blood clot formation (18). What’s more, fish oil supplements are linked to reduced high blood pressure and improved blood flow in skeletal muscle during and after exercise. For example, in a study in 10 healthy men, high doses of fish oil — 4.2 grams daily for four weeks — significantly improved blood flow to the legs after exercise (19). 7. Beets Many athletes supplement with beet juice or beet powder to help improve performance. This is because beets are high in nitrates, which your body converts into nitric oxide. Nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels and increases blood flow to muscle tissue. Beet juice supplements improve oxygen flow in muscle tissue, stimulate blood flow and increase nitric oxide levels — all of which can boost performance (20). Aside from assisting athletes, beets improve blood flow in older adults with circulatory issues. In a study in 12 older adults, those who drank 5 ounces (140 ml) of nitrate-rich beet juice per day experienced significant decreases in blood pressure, clotting time and blood vessel inflammation than those who consumed a placebo (21). 8. Turmeric Increased blood flow is one of turmeric’s many health benefits. In fact, both Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine have utilized turmeric since ancient times to open blood vessels and improve blood circulation (22). Research suggests that a compound found in turmeric called curcumin helps increase nitric oxide production, reduce oxidative stress and decrease inflammation. In a study in 39 people, taking 2,000 mg of curcumin daily for 12 weeks led to a 37% increase in forearm blood flow and a 36% increase in upper arm blood flow (23). 9. Leafy Greens Leafy greens like spinach and collard greens are high in nitrates, which your body converts into nitric oxide, a potent vasodilator. Eating nitrate-rich foods may help improve circulation by dilating blood vessels, allowing your blood to flow more easily. In a 27-person study, those consuming high-nitrate (845 mg) spinach daily for seven days experienced significant improvements in blood pressure and blood flow compared to a control group (24). What’s more, research has observed that people following a traditional Chinese diet high in nitrate-rich vegetables like Chinese cabbage have lower blood pressure and a significantly decreased risk of heart disease than those who consume a typical Western diet (25). 10. Citrus Fruits Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons and grapefruit are packed with antioxidants, including flavonoids. Consuming flavonoid-rich citrus fruits may decrease inflammation in your body, which can reduce blood pressure and stiffness in your arteries while improving blood flow and nitric oxide production (26). In a study in 31 people, those who drank 17 ounces (500 ml) of blood orange juice per day for one week had significant improvements in artery dilation and large reductions in markers of inflammation such as IL-6 and CRP compared to a control group (27). Additionally, regular consumption of citrus fruits, such as lemon and grapefruit, has been associated with reduced blood pressure and a decreased risk of stroke (28, 29). 11. Walnuts Walnuts are loaded with beneficial compounds, such as l-arginine, alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) and vitamin E — which all stimulate the production of nitric oxide. Eating walnuts may reduce blood pressure, improve blood vessel function and decrease inflammation, which may be particularly helpful for those with diabetes (30). People with diabetes often have circulation issues and high blood pressure due to blood vessel damage caused by uncontrolled blood sugar levels (31). In a study in 24 people with diabetes, those who ate 2 ounces (56 grams) of walnuts per day for eight weeks experienced significant improvements in blood flow compared to a control group (32). 12. Tomatoes Tomatoes may help reduce the activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE), which causes blood vessels to constrict to control blood pressure (33). Research reveals that tomato extract works similarly to ACE-inhibiting drugs — opening up your blood vessels and improving blood flow. Test-tube studies note that tomato extract can inhibit ACE, reduce inflammation and disrupt platelet aggregation, which can improve circulation (34, 35). 13. Berries Berries are especially healthy — they have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities, which may have a positive impact on blood flow. Chronic inflammation can damage blood vessels and raise your blood pressure, which can cause circulatory issues. Research shows that eating berries can lower blood pressure, heart rate, platelet aggregation and blood levels of inflammatory markers like IL-6 while also improving artery dilation (36). 14. Ginger Ginger, a staple in traditional medicine in India and China for thousands of years, can likewise lower blood pressure and improve circulation (37). In both human and animal studies, ginger has been shown to reduce high blood pressure, which negatively impacts blood flow (38). In a study in 4,628 people, those who consumed the most ginger — 2–4 grams per day — had the lowest risk of developing high blood pressure (39). Animal studies demonstrate that ginger works by inhibiting ACE (40). Reference: Kubala, Jillian. “The 14 Best Foods to Increase Blood Flow and Circulation.” Healthline, Healthline Media, 7 Nov. 2018, Accessed 5 Feb. 2020. ‌ Do you want even more? Join Be Healthy Academy to learn more about how you can improve your circulation and your health!!! Be Healthy Academy is a one-of-a-kind membership dedicated to helping women (and men) improve their life and their health. It combines actionable steps, authentic healing practices, and monthly in-depth training to help you master the skills necessary to create a long-lasting inner transformation. Are you ready to Take back YOUR POWER and RECLAIM YOUR HEALTH, naturally? Join Be Healthy Academy now!!!

  • Cinna-Berry Breakfast Squares

    Ingredients: 2 1/2 cups oats 1/2 cup chopped pecans or walnuts 1 tbsp. ground cinnamon 1 tsp. baking powder 1/2 tsp. salt 2 cups unsweetened almond milk 2 scoops Complete Powder - Vanilla or Chocolate (or use your favorite plant-based protein powder) 2 large eggs (or egg replacer) 1/4 cup honey 2 tbsp. unsweetened apple sauce 2 tsp. Vanilla extract 2 bananas (240 grams) 1 1/2 cup of blueberry (only) 1/2 cup blackberries Ghee or coconut oil (for grease the dish) 8x12 dish How to make it: 1. Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees. 2. In a large bowl, stir together oats, pecans, cinnamon, baking powder, salt. Set aside. 3. In a separate bowl, beat the almond milk, protein or complete powder, eggs or egg replacers, honey, apple sauce, and vanilla. Set aside. 4. Grease a 4x13 dish. 5 Slice the bananas and place them in a single layer on the bottom of the pan. Sprinkle the dry out the mixture over the bananas. Pour the mixture over the oat mixture and then top with blueberries and blackberries. *Or mix the dry out the mixture with the wet ingredients mixture. Pour over the bananas in the pan. Then, place the blueberries and blackberries on top in a design or randomly. 6. Bake for 40 minutes. 7. Wait to cut into 12 square once nearly cooled. Store leftover in the refrigerator. Enjoy it 😊😋 Use organic ingredients as often as possible. Your microbiome and your gut will thank you. Running out of healthy recipes to prepare? No worries, we have more! For more healthy recipes. Join Be Healthy Academy! Wanting to start a healthy lifestyle but, you don't know where to begin? Be Healthy Academy provides more than just healthy recipes. Be Healthy Academy is dedicated to helping transform lives by providing customized programs to each of its members according to their needs. It provides a balanced, holistic, and healthy approach that lets its members long-lastingly transform from within. DISCOVER, CREATE, AND TRANSFORM to the best and healthier version of YOU. Become a member now! “Let food be thy medicine" -Hippocrates

  • Interview at Mind Body Radio

    I can't wait to share with you my interview with Chris Sawyer at Mind Body Radio! This station is dedicated to provide an educational and inspirational platform to spread awareness about the wide variety of options to live a healthier, happier life! So honored to be interviewed by this radio! We talked about my expertise as a therapist, what made me decide to choose this line of work and how do I use my intuition to heal and help my patients. We also talked about the upcoming Summer Solstice Event for 2020 and Be Healthy Academy. Be Healthy Academy is a membership full of content about creating a healthier version of yourself, natural health solutions and how I coach the members. Click here to listen to it NOW

  • Beef Stroganoff

    This is healthier version of stroganoff, but still taste delicious. What you'll need: ½ tbsp ghee or coconut oil 12 oz white or cremini mushrooms, stems removed, halved 1 lb sirloin, cut into thin strips salt and black pepper to taste 1 yellow onion, minced 2 cloves garlic, minced 1 tbsp whole wheat flour ¾ cup red wine or cooking rice wine ½ cup low-sodium beef stock 1 tbsp tomato paste ¼ cup 2% plain Greek yogurt (Don't try to substitute regular yogurt here. Greek yogurt has a distinct lactic tang that better approximates sour cream). How to make it: 1. Heat the oil in a large sauté pan over medium heat. Add the mushrooms and cook for about 5 minutes, until softened and caramelized. Remove and reserve. 2. Season the beef with salt and pepper. In the same pan, adding more oil if necessary, cook the beef for about 5 minutes, until well-browned all over. Remove and reserve with the mushrooms. Add the onion and garlic to the pan and cook until the onion is translucent. Stir in the flour until it evenly coats the vegetables, then add the wine, stock, and tomato paste, scraping the pan to release any flavorful bits stock to the bottom. Turn the heat down to low and simmer for about 12 minutes, until the liquid thickens and reduces by about half. 3. Return the mushrooms and beef to the pan and heat through, then remove from the heat. After the liquid cools just slightly, stir in the yogurt. (If the heat is too high, the yogurt will separate.) Serve with jasmine or brown rice. Makes 4 servings. Enjoy it 😊😋 Use organic ingredients as often as possible. Your microbiome and your gut will thank you. Running out of healthy recipes to prepare? No worries, we have more! For more healthy recipes. Join Be Healthy Academy! Wanting to start a healthy lifestyle but, you don't know where to begin? Be Healthy Academy provides more than just healthy recipes. Be Healthy Academy is dedicated to helping transform lives by providing customized programs to each of its members according to their needs. It provides a balanced, holistic, and healthy approach that lets its members long-lastingly transform from within. DISCOVER, CREATE, AND TRANSFORM to the best and healthier version of YOU. Become a member now! “Let food be thy medicine" -Hippocrates

  • Quick and Easy Pita Pizza

    A great alternative for pizza ;) Sometimes you just feel like eating pizza, but you don't want to eat all the extra fat and process ingredients... Well, I created an alternative... It looks like pizza, it tastes like pizza, but it is way healthier... Ingredients: Whole wheat pita bread, Tomato sauce or pizza souce Oregano (as much as you want, I like a lot 😉, my husband prefer just a little bit) 1 slice of cheese Toppings: sliced bell peppers, and green onions. Be creative: you could add olives, pineapple, fig jam, dry tomatoes, ... any ingredient that you like. Preparation: Spread the tomato sauce on the pitta bread. Add the oregano and the cheese. Add all your toppings. Heat up on toast oven (or regular oven) for 4-5 minutes until cheese melt and it is ready to eat 😁😁😋😋😋😋 * Some toppings that have a lot of water, like pineapple, can be added after the pizza is ready to avoid pizza get soggy. Remember, everything that you make at home is healthier than the same dish in a restaurant since you can choose better quality and organic ingredients 😉😉 So good 😁😁🍕🍕 Use organic ingredients as often as possible. Your microbiome and your gut will thank you. Running out of healthy recipes to prepare? No worries, we have more! For more healthy recipes. Join Be Healthy Academy! Wanting to start a healthy lifestyle but, you don't know where to begin? Be Healthy Academy provides more than just healthy recipes. Be Healthy Academy is dedicated to helping transform lives by providing customized programs to each of its members according to their needs. It provides a balanced, holistic, and healthy approach that lets its members long-lastingly transform from within. DISCOVER, CREATE, AND TRANSFORM to the best and healthier version of YOU. Become a member now! “Let food be thy medicine" -Hippocrates

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