Health Pilates for Fibromyalgia According to the National Fibromyalgia Association, Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS) is an increasingly recognized chronic pain illness...
Health Can exercise help with gastrointestinal problems? Exercise is an important part of a healthy lifestyle for anyone, and especially for people living with a chronic illness like...
Health Essential Oils for Pain Relief Chronic pain consumes approximately $86 billion per year and affects over 80 million Americans. (2008, WebMD) Many of these either do not...
Health 9 Remarkable Benefits of Cupping TherapyAugust 8, 2016 by Susan Patterson/Natural Living 1. Pain relief Pain relief is one of the main reasons people use cupping. An analysis of...
Health Why the Difference Between Tendinitis and Tendinosis MattersIt is important to distinguish between these disorders in order to apply the most appropriate treatment. But what is the difference?...