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Instant Pot Oatmeal Recipe For Steel Cut Oats Or Rolled Oats

bowl of oatmeal

Oatmeal are not just healthy, they are quite delicious and easy to prepare too!!!

I like making oatmeal in the Instant Pot rather than over the stove or in the microwave because there’s no monitoring involved to be sure it doesn’t bubble over and cause a mess, or stirring to avoid it sticking to the bottom of the pan.

It is so easy.

I turn it on and take my dog to walk. When I am back from the walk, my breakfast is ready. 😋

For this recipe, you can use steel cut or rolled oats.

For steel cut oats use a 3 to 1 ratio aka 3 cups liquid to 1 cup oats (less processed needs more liquid to soften the grain).

For rolled oats use a 2 to 1 ratio aka 2 cups liquid to 1 cup oats (flatter surface needs less liquid to soften the grain).

mix of ingredients on the countertop


For Steel Cut Oats

  • 2 cups water

  • 1 cup almond milk

  • 1 cup steel cut oats

For Old Fashioned Rolled Oats

  • 1 cup water

  • 1 cup almond milk

  • 1 cup old fashioned rolled oats

  • 1 generous pinch of cinnamon

  • 1 generous pinch of Himalayan salt

  • 1 tea spoon of ghee

  • 3 drops of Stevia

  • Nuts of your choice (I like to use walnuts)

  • Fruit of your choice - cut in small pieces if necessary (apple, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries,...)


  1. Press the manual (or Rice) setting and set the cooking time for 3 minutes on high.

  2. Once the cooking time ends, allow the oatmeal to sit in the pot to natural release the pressurized steam (about 15 minutes).

  3. Flip the release valve using the end of a wooden spoon to release any residual steam and always face the lid away from you when opening.


To add in some extra flavor, add the ghee and the oats in a pot. Select "brown/saute" and low temperature. Add the cinnamon and salt. Sauté for 1-2 minutes. Once ghee is completely melted, add the rest of the ingredients.

Use organic ingredients as often as possible. Your microbiome and your gut will thank you.

image of a woman wearing eye glasses out in the sun feeling relaxed and peaceful

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“Let food be thy medicine" -Hippocrates

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