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  • Is That An Alternative to Traditional Health Insurance?

    When it comes to typical insurance, holistic healthcare doesn’t usually have a place. Treating your whole body, healing from within, and getting to the root cause of your symptoms is rarely an option. What if there was an alternative solution? A way to have healthcare peace of mind for your big, unexpected injuries or illnesses, with the possibility of exploring holistic and alternative methods of care. I Found A Solution There are entire communities of individuals and families who participate in a concept known as medical cost-sharing. Maybe you've heard of it before. It's an alternative to health insurance, which is a monthly membership. You pay a low monthly contribution to the health-sharing community. Then, if you have an unexpected medical event, it's there to help you. There are many medical cost-sharing companies to choose from. However, only one provides significant savings on wellness services you already use, affords savings so you can get the wellness care that fits your lifestyle, and is open and accepting to the possibility that alternative and holistic forms of care can be good options – Knew Health. The medical cost-sharing component of Knew Health is fascinating alone, but it's the extras and commitment to genuinely being healthy that draws most people in (more on that in a bit). Retraining Our Health Insurance Brain The hardest part about adopting anything new is retraining the brain and letting go of a traditional way of thinking. We have become accustomed to expecting insurance to "cover" our healthcare expenses yet pay our copayments and coinsurance, and let's not forget those high deductibles that reset every January 1st. With Knew Health’s medical cost-sharing model, you’re not dealing with insurance at all. Rather you’re joining a community of like-minded members who have agreed to share in a range of wellness and preventive services, as well as costs that result from unexpected medical conditions. This approach can lower healthcare spending by as much as 60% for those who make the switch! Knew Health Helps when the Unexpected Happens When an unexpected medical event happens, say an accident like falling off of a ladder, the bills can really pile up with traditional insurance. Between premiums, copayments, coinsurance, and treatment plans that just aren't covered, you could face high medical bills like Megan in the example shown below. Not only is she facing higher costs, but she is limited to seeing in-network doctors and using conventional medicine treatments. When faced with the same exact medical event, a Knew Health member like Rachel only pays her chosen IUA. She can choose any doctor and the care that's convenient for her, without being bound to confusing networks, and she has the peace of mind that the remainder of her costs can be shared. There are no confusing copayments, coinsurance, or high deductibles (and no resetting on January 1st). She can simply ask her doctors to apply any self-pay discounts, and there is full price transparency for Rachel at the time of her appointment. Knew Health Helps with the Expected Too We all know there's a lot more to medical spending than unexpected events. What about preventive care, wellness, annual visits, and lifestyle choices aimed at keeping you healthy? Knew Health helps with all of that, too. Your membership includes many advantages, significant discounts that you won't see anywhere else, and allowances for self-care and holistic living, resulting in lower healthcare spending. In the image below, you can see how Knew Health Member Rachel can take advantage of true wellness care by incorporating healthy living perks into her life at no extra cost. We take a look at how much each one pays for certain healthcare and wellness expenses. What makes Knew Health unique is that we are open and accepting of holistic and alternative forms of care, however, we do consider each request on a case-by-case basis in order to evaluate whether it is effective for your condition and whether our community can responsibly share the costs. After all, all the members of Knew Health are in this together. And if you believe that the Be Healthy Academy would be an optimal way to take control of your well-being, Knew Health allows you to include that in your healthcare planning, too. Because Memberships receive an annual $200 Supplemental Allowance to put towards additional wellness costs of their choice, like my program. This refreshing approach has helped the community reduce overall healthcare spending and helped everyone individually manage their unique healthcare costs. If you are ready to take control of your health today and ready to choose a path that feels right for you, consider Knew Health as your alternative healthcare option. You can schedule a call with their Care Team today and use this link to sign up. Here is a summary of Knew Health: Advantages: Lower monthly cost Significantly Discounted Labs & Testing Peace of mind for unexpected medical events Discounted Supplements and Wellness Products Freedom to use any licensed provider in the country Annual $200 Supplemental Allowance General wellness visits are included Holistic Health and Wellness-Themed Webinars Limitations: Knew Health may not be the right fit for everyone, and it's usually due: Limited sharing for pre-existing conditions Medical records and proof of their medical expenses need to be provided with each request Alternative medical practices are subject to limitations. Alternative medical care requires prior written approval from Knew Health. The Initial Unshareable Amount (IUA) is applied per unique medical need/per condition. A Medical Need is one or more medical expenses caused by a single, new accident, illness, or pregnancy. For example, if you develop back pain, this counts as one incident. If later you break a leg, you will have a new incident; therefore, a new IUA amount to be met. Expenses related to medications or other treatment for any mental health illness or condition are not shareable. Knew Health is available to most individuals, but not all. It is not currently available for: People aged 65 and older. Residents of VT, WA, PA, NY, IL, MD, CA Children under the age of 18, if there will not be an adult, are included in the membership. If you decide to sign up, please mention that Ana Marinho referred you 😊 Before I use and recommend a product, I do a lot of research, then if you have any questions, feel free to reach out. * This blog may contain affiliate links, and I may receive a small commission for purchases made through these links.

  • [Guide] Exercises for Chronic Pain

    Dealing with chronic pain has been a significant part of my own journey, and I understand the overwhelming impact it can have on one's life. It's not just a physical challenge; it affects emotional well-being, relationships, and overall quality of life. Surprisingly, one of the most effective ways to manage chronic pain is through exercise. In this comprehensive guide, let's explore how exercise has personally benefited me and my patients, and how they can help you too. Chronic pain is an uninvited guest that can linger in your life, affecting every aspect of your daily routine. It doesn't discriminate; it can strike anyone, at any age. For many of us who have experienced it, chronic pain is more than just physical discomfort; it's a relentless companion that often brings emotional distress, fatigue, and even a feeling of helplessness. But here's the thing: you don't have to resign yourself to a life overshadowed by chronic pain. There's hope, and it begins with understanding the transformative power of exercise. In this blog, I'll share the role that exercise has played in not only managing but also alleviating pain. We'll delve into why exercise is a vital tool in the battle against chronic pain, and how you can embark on your exercise journey, even if you're starting from scratch. So, whether you're someone who's been dealing with chronic pain for years or you're just beginning to grapple with it, know that you have the potential to take control of your health and break free from the grip of chronic pain. Let's embark on this journey together and discover how the right types of exercise can be a game-changer in your life. How Does Exercise Benefit People Dealing with Chronic Pain? When it comes to chronic pain, the idea of exercise might initially seem counterintuitive. After all, why would you want to move your body when it's already hurting? But here's the truth: regular, appropriate exercise can be a powerful ally in managing and even reducing chronic pain. Let me share with you the ways in which exercise has proven to be a game-changer for both myself and many of the individuals I've worked with. 1. Pain Relief Through Endorphins: Exercise triggers the release of endorphins, your body's natural painkillers. These feel-good hormones not only help alleviate pain but also improve your mood, creating a sense of well-being. When you're dealing with chronic pain, a boost in mood can be a lifeline. 2. Strengthening Muscles: Chronic pain often leads to muscle atrophy and weakened joints due to reduced activity. Exercise, specifically targeted and tailored to your needs, can help rebuild muscle strength and improve joint flexibility. This increased strength can provide better support for your body, reducing pain and discomfort. 3. Enhanced Blood Flow: Physical activity improves circulation, ensuring that oxygen and nutrients reach your muscles and tissues efficiently. This enhanced blood flow can aid in the healing process and alleviate pain, particularly in areas with reduced circulation. 4. Improved Posture and Alignment: Many chronic pain conditions are aggravated by poor posture and misalignment. Exercises that focus on posture correction and alignment can significantly reduce pain by addressing the root cause. These exercises can help you regain a more natural, comfortable posture. 5. Better Sleep Quality: Chronic pain often disrupts sleep patterns, leading to fatigue and exacerbating pain. Regular exercise can promote better sleep quality, helping you feel more rested and better able to manage pain. 6. Stress Reduction: Chronic pain and stress often go hand in hand, creating a vicious cycle. Exercise is a potent stress-reducer, as it releases tension and calms the nervous system. Reducing stress can lead to a decrease in the perception of pain. 7. Weight Management: Excess weight can exacerbate chronic pain, particularly in weight-bearing joints like the knees and hips. Exercise, when combined with a balanced diet, can contribute to weight management, reducing the strain on these joints and decreasing pain. 8. Enhanced Range of Motion and Decrease Stiffness: Many chronic pain conditions restrict your range of motion. Exercises that focus on mobility and flexibility can help you regain and maintain a more extensive range of motion, allowing you to move with greater ease and less discomfort. 9. Empowerment and Control: Chronic pain can often make you feel helpless and out of control. Committing to an exercise regimen gives you a sense of empowerment. It allows you to take an active role in managing your health, leading to increased confidence and resilience in the face of pain. It's important to note that not all exercises are created equal, especially when dealing with chronic pain. The key is to find the right balance of activity that challenges your body without exacerbating your pain. Tailored exercises that suit your specific condition and fitness level are crucial. This is where guidance from a healthcare professional or a specialized program like Be Healthy Academy can make a significant difference. In the next section, we'll delve into the specific exercises that have shown remarkable effectiveness in reducing chronic pain. Whether you're looking to incorporate gentle movements, relaxation exercises, or strengthening routines into your regimen, we've got you covered. The Best Exercises to Reduce Chronic Pain Finding the right exercises that suit your body and condition can significantly improve your quality of life. Here are some excellent exercises to help alleviate chronic pain and enhance your well-being: Physical Exercises Walking Walking, a seemingly simple act, has the power to create ripples of change in the tapestry of chronic pain. It's a low-impact exercise, accessible to almost everyone, offering a gentle start to their exercise journey. Patients begin with short walks and gradually increase the duration and intensity, witnessing a transformation in their fitness and pain levels. Swimming Water can hold a special place in this journey. Swimming, with its gentle impact on joints and muscles, becomes an oasis of relief for many grappling with chronic pain. The buoyancy of water cradles the body, reducing the stress on muscles and joints. It's a therapeutic exercise, and for some it's been a buoy that keeps them afloat in the midst of chronic pain. Pilates Pilates has been particularly beneficial, specially for my patients that suffer chronic back pain. It focuses on core strength, flexibility, and posture. If you're curious to learn more about Pilates and its impact on chronic back pain, check out my post on Pilates and Back Pain for more insights. Relaxation Exercises Deep Breathing Breath - a fundamental pillar of life and, surprisingly, a potent tool in managing chronic pain. The rhythm of controlled breaths, a simple yet profound practice, reduces stress and tension, common triggers for chronic pain. Incorporating deep breathing into your daily routines can yield significant benefits. Meditation The art of stillness, of diving within, has paved the path of healing for many on this journey. Meditation, a practice of mindfulness and presence, encourages relaxation and mental clarity. For my patients, it's been a cornerstone of their pain management routine. It's a sacred space where pain takes a backseat, and a sense of calmness prevails. To explore different meditation techniques, you can delve into my post on 7 Types of Meditation. Somatic Exercises Our bodies, repositories of wisdom, often carry the answers to managing chronic pain. Somatic exercises (somatic means “body”) focus on enhancing body awareness, releasing muscle tension, release trauma, and manage their mental health symptoms. Those types of movements are performed consciously with the intention of focusing on the internal experience of the movement rather than the external appearance or result of the movement. They've proven immensely helpful for individuals dealing with chronic pain. In their exploration of somatic exercises, my patients have found a profound connection between body and mind, and a pathway to relief. Gentle Movements Self-Healing Movement Class My Self-Healing Movement classes have become a holistic haven for many traversing the landscape of chronic pain. Those gentle movements mix physical therapy and mindful movement to calm down the nervous system, release stress and trauma stored in the body. It's a space where you can learn to listen to your body, to embrace movement that heals. Exercise to Regulate the Vagus Nerve The Vagus Nerve, a conductor of the body's symphony, plays a crucial role in pain perception. Certain exercises and practices, like specific breathing techniques, can help activate and regulate this nerve, potentially reducing chronic pain. It's a fascinating journey for my patients, understanding the nuances of their body's inner workings. Stretches Incorporating gentle stretches into one's daily routine becomes a simple yet impactful exercise. Stretching enhances flexibility and reduces muscle tension. My guide on 10 Gentle Stretches to Relieve Pain is a treasure trove of practical stretches that you can add in your daily routines. Strengthening Exercises Yoga Yoga combines physical postures, breath control, and meditation. It's known for enhancing flexibility and strength while reducing stress. Yoga can be adapted to accommodate various levels of fitness and chronic pain. Gym Workouts Stepping into the gym under the guidance of a trained professional has provided structure and guidance to many in their exercise routine. Working out in a gym, with a focus on proper form and technique, has proven to be a beneficial part of one's journey through chronic pain. The key to embarking on this journey of exercises to manage chronic pain lies in personalized approaches, in understanding the unique needs and capacities of each individual. It's about creating a roadmap that leads to relief, strength, and a better quality of life. How Do You Get Started? Starting an exercise routine when dealing with chronic pain requires careful planning and consideration. Here are some steps to help you get started: Consult Your Healthcare Provider: Before beginning any exercise program, consult your healthcare provider. They can provide guidance on exercises that are safe and suitable for your condition. Set Realistic Goals: Start with achievable goals. Gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts as your fitness improves. Practice Self-Awareness: Listen to your body and be mindful of any pain or discomfort. Pushing through severe pain is counterproductive and can lead to further injury. Modify Exercises: If an exercise causes significant pain or discomfort, modify or discontinue it. It's crucial to find exercises that work for your body and your pain levels. By integrating these principles, you can create an exercise routine that not only alleviates pain but also sets the foundation for a healthier, more vibrant life. Are You Ready to Take Control of Your Health and Break Free from Chronic Pain? If you're ready to reclaim your life and heal from chronic pain, join Be Healthy Academy. Be Healthy Academy is a science-based program that offers accountability, pain science education, stress management techniques, ways to shift mindset, increase body awareness, techniques to release trauma from the body, and so much more 🧠💖🔥 We also offer interactive workshops and a supportive community to guide you on your healing journey. If you are ready to take control of your health and are looking for an experienced and caring guide, you are in the right place. With the Right Resources, YOU Have the Ability to Heal Yourself. And You Don't Have to Do It Alone. Let Me Show You The Way. References: 1 - Exercise and Chronic Pain. (n.d.). Utah State University Extension. Retrieved from 2 - Higuera, V. (2022, June 16). Exercises to Reduce Chronic Pain. Healthline. Retrieved from Images shared under Free Creative Commons License, from Freepik or are from Ana's private gallery.

  • What are Internal Boundaries & How to Set Them

    The importance of internal boundaries in managing pain cannot be overstated. Chronic pain is often intertwined with emotional and mental factors, making it crucial to understand and set internal boundaries effectively. In the realm of pain management, a comprehensive approach is vital. Traditional methodologies often concentrate solely on alleviating symptoms, overlooking the intricate interplay between the mind, body, and soul. This is where holistic pain management steps in, offering a broader perspective and addressing the person as a unified whole. What are Internal Boundaries? Internal boundaries refer to the emotional and mental limits we set for ourselves. It is defined by the separation between our thoughts, feelings, and needs from those of others. These boundaries are like an invisible fortress guarding our emotional and mental space. Internal boundaries are those we set within ourselves, governing our thoughts, emotions, and actions. They are like an invisible shield, crucial to protect ourselves from the impact of external influences. What are the Different Types of Boundaries To effectively set internal boundaries, we need to understand the various types they can manifest as. Understanding internal boundaries requires a grasp of the different types they can manifest as. Two primary categories are internal and external boundaries. Internal boundaries pertain to how we protect ourselves emotionally, mentally, and spiritually, while external boundaries involve how we interact and protect ourselves from others. Internal versus External Boundaries Let's take a more in-depth look into the intriguing realm of boundaries, specifically distinguishing between the internal and external dimensions. External Boundaries: Guarding Your External Space Think of external boundaries like setting the limits of your personal space concerning how you interact with the world. It involves asserting preferences, saying "no" when needed, and communicating your limits effectively. External boundaries filter outside influences and guide how the world engages with you. Internal Boundaries: Protecting Your Inner Realm On the other hand, internal boundaries serve as the cornerstone for safeguarding your emotional and mental well-being. These invisible boundaries define how you treat yourself within your thoughts and beliefs. This involves recognizing and honoring your emotions, understanding your needs, and challenging harmful thought patterns. Internal boundaries ensure a healthy relationship with yourself, emphasizing self-respect and self-care. Clear internal boundaries act as a compass, guiding you in navigating interactions with the external world and enabling you to assert your needs, desires, and limits with confidence and clarity. Internal boundaries can range from recognizing and validating our emotions to challenging irrational thoughts. In essence, external boundaries manage interactions with the outside world, acting as a shield, while internal boundaries cultivate a sanctuary within yourself, fostering mental and emotional equilibrium. Striking a balance between these boundaries is vital for a fulfilling and harmonious life. People that experience “people pleasing” may think they need to work on setting external boundaries first, but if they set internal boundaries first it would make it easier to set the external boundaries because they would recognize and honor their needs instead of letting other people challenge them. By first gaining clarity on your internal boundaries, you establish a solid foundation upon which to build and enforce external boundaries. This foundational work empowers you to assertively communicate your limits, ensuring that your interactions with the world around you are more authentic, balanced, and fulfilling. Balancing the two types of boundaries is a dance of self-discovery and assertion, pivotal for achieving a harmonious and enriched life. The Relationship Between Internal Boundaries and Chronic Pain The relationship between internal boundaries and chronic pain is profound. Chronic pain can often blur the lines between self-care and neglect, especially if one is prone to people-pleasing or prioritizing others' needs over their own. Establishing clear internal boundaries is akin to drawing a line in the sand, enabling an individual to prioritize their well-being without guilt or external pressures. Understanding and implementing internal boundaries can profoundly impact how individuals experience and manage chronic pain. Chronic pain often leads individuals to push past their limits, disregarding their well-being for the sake of meeting external expectations. How to Set Internal Boundaries Setting internal boundaries is not only about acknowledging them but actively implementing and enforcing them in your daily life. Here are actionable ways to set internal boundaries effectively: Validate Your Emotions Begin by acknowledging your emotions without judgment. Understand that your feelings are valid and worthy of recognition. By accepting your emotions, you take the first step in setting boundaries that honor your inner world.This may be a paradigm shift for some people because when you validate your emotions and honor your boundaries, you may recognize how you have been letting yourself down and others by not actually honoring your boundaries. Taking Responsibility for Your Actions Recognize that you have the power to make decisions and take responsibility for the actions you undertake. This involves understanding the consequences of your actions and being accountable for them. By doing so, you shape your boundaries based on your choices. Saying "No" to Yourself When Needed Learning to decline your own impulses or desires is crucial in establishing internal boundaries. This means saying "no" to actions or behaviors that might harm you in the long run. It's about understanding when to prioritize your well-being over momentary desires. Keeping Promises to Yourself and Others Developing trust within yourself is fundamental. Honor the commitments you make, whether they are to yourself or others. When you keep a promise to yourself, you also build trust and self-confidence. You are telling yourself that you are capable and that you can accomplish your goals. Consistency in keeping promises builds a sense of reliability and stability, enhancing your inner boundaries. Forgiving Yourself Grant yourself forgiveness for past mistakes and imperfections. Holding onto guilt or self-criticism can hinder the establishment of healthy internal boundaries. Forgiveness is an act of self-compassion that allows you to grow beyond your errors. Identifying Your Own Limits Take time to understand your physical and emotional limits. Recognize when you need rest, when a situation becomes emotionally draining, or when you need personal space. Knowing your limits allows you to communicate them effectively and protect your well-being. Challenging Irrational Thoughts Work on challenging negative or irrational thoughts. When you encounter self-doubt or harmful beliefs, question their validity and replace them with more empowering and constructive perspectives. A rational and positive mindset contributes to strong internal boundaries. By integrating these practices into your life, you gradually cultivate and reinforce internal boundaries, promoting a healthier relationship with yourself and the world around you. Conclusion Holistic pain management is not just about treating the symptoms of chronic pain. It's about addressing the person as a whole—mind, body, and soul. Internal boundaries play a pivotal role in this approach, empowering individuals to prioritize their well-being, set limits, and advocate for themselves effectively. By understanding and implementing internal boundaries, one can navigate the complex journey of chronic pain more effectively, ultimately leading to a life of improved health and joy. Take Control of Your Health and Well-being If you're ready to reclaim your life and heal from chronic pain and create healthier boundaries, join Be Healthy Academy. Be Healthy Academy is a science-based program that offers accountability, pain science education, stress management techniques, ways to shift mindset, increase body awareness, techniques to release trauma from the body, and so much more 🧠💖🔥 We also offer interactive workshops and a supportive community to guide you on your healing journey. If you are ready to take control of your health and are looking for an experienced and caring guide, you are in the right place. With the Right Resources, YOU Have the Ability to Heal Yourself. And You Don't Have to Do It Alone. Let Me Show You The Way. References: 1 - Beautiful Soul Counseling. (n.d.). Internal vs. External Boundaries. Retrieved from 2 - Magee, H. (2022, May 25). Internal Boundaries: The Recovering People Pleaser's Hidden Power. Retrieved from 3 - Pollock, A. (2021, May). How to Begin to Set Internal Boundaries. Psychology Today. Retrieved from 4 – Semi-Together. (n.d.). How to Set Internal Boundaries [Audio podcast episode]. Retrieved from Images shared under Free Creative Commons License, from Freepik or are from Ana's private gallery.

  • Holistic Pain Management: Approaches to Chronic Pain

    Chronic pain is an unwelcome companion for many, impacting not only physical well-being but also causing profound fatigue and emotional distress. Traditional approaches often focus solely on alleviating symptoms, but holistic pain management takes a comprehensive approach, addressing the person as a whole to promote healing and well-being. What is Holistic Pain Management? Holistic pain management is an approach that acknowledges the intricate interplay between the mind, body, and soul in the experience of pain. It recognizes that chronic pain is not merely a physical symptom, but a complex integration of various factors, including emotional and mental well-being. By addressing all these aspects, holistic pain management aims to provide lasting relief and improve overall quality of life. The Importance of Holistic Pain Management Chronic pain is a complex and pervasive issue affecting millions, significantly diminishing quality of life and overall well-being. Traditional approaches often focus solely on symptom management through medications or surgeries, overlooking the holistic nature of pain and its intimate connection to mental, emotional, and lifestyle factors. This is where holistic pain management steps in, offering a comprehensive and multifaceted approach that addresses not just the physical symptoms but the person as a whole. Benefits of Holistic Pain Management 1. Personalized Approach Each person is unique, and so is their experience of pain. Holistic pain management recognizes this individuality and tailors treatments to suit specific needs. Customized plans ensure that every aspect of a person's life and health is considered, increasing the likelihood of successful outcomes. 2. Long-term Relief By focusing on the root causes of pain, rather than just the symptoms, holistic approaches often result in long-term relief. These approaches aim to correct imbalances, promote healing, and equip individuals with the tools needed to maintain their well-being beyond the treatment duration. 3. Improved Quality of Life The goal of holistic pain management is not just pain reduction but improving the overall quality of life. By incorporating practices that enhance mental, emotional, and physical health, individuals experience an improved outlook, increased energy, better sleep, and a greater sense of purpose and joy. 4. Fewer Side Effects Holistic pain management predominantly involves natural approaches and therapies. This means a reduced likelihood of adverse effects typically associated with medications. The gentle, non-invasive nature of many holistic treatments makes them more accessible and appealing to a broader range of individuals. 5. Comprehensive Treatment Holistic pain management offers a broad spectrum of treatments, addressing various aspects of an individual's life. From physical therapies to mental health techniques, it encompasses a range of strategies to ensure a comprehensive treatment plan tailored to each person's unique needs. How Do You Mentally Deal With Chronic Pain? Mental resilience is a crucial aspect of managing chronic pain. It involves developing coping strategies, cultivating a positive mindset, and finding ways to reduce stress and anxiety. Mindfulness practices, cognitive behavioral therapy, and relaxation techniques are powerful tools for building mental fortitude in the face of chronic pain. Holistic Approaches to Chronic Pain Holistic approaches to chronic pain encompass a wide array of practices that aim to address the physical, emotional, and mental aspects of pain. These approaches can significantly complement traditional medical interventions and may include: Holistic Physical Therapy More than just treating symptoms, holistic physical therapy dives deep into the root causes of chronic pain, blending the best of Eastern and Western techniques.The personalized, one-on-one sessions focus on your specific needs and maximize healing potential. Incorporating holistic physical therapy into your pain management journey prioritizes individualized care, sustainability, and lasting healing. It's a holistic embrace of your body's capacity to heal and flourish. It can also include: cupping (myofascial decompression technique), soft tissue massage, Pilates, and therapeutic exercises, neuro-reducation techniques … Visceral Manipulation Visceral manipulation is a manual therapy consisting of gentle, specifically placed manual forces that aid your body's ability to release restrictions and unhealthy compensations that cause pain and dysfunction. It does not solely focus on the site of pain and dysfunction but evaluates the entire body to find the source of the problem. Our bodies need movement to be healthy. This same principle applies to every structure in our bodies including the viscera (organs). For an organ to be healthy and have an optimal function there needs to be motion. Meditation and Mindfulness Meditation and mindfulness techniques promote relaxation and reduce stress, which can alleviate the perception of pain. They encourage being present in the moment, helping individuals manage their pain more effectively. Mind-Body Coaching Mind-Body Coaching is designed to transform limiting beliefs and fears. Through this transformative coaching, you can shift your perspectives, break free from limiting patterns, and instigate profound positive changes in your life. Harness techniques like the Body Tree Technique, Energy Leadership Index Assessment, and more to reshape your mindset, conquer inner critics, and set actionable goals. With these tools at your disposal, you can navigate through the intricacies of your mind and body, empowering yourself to overcome fears, enhance confidence, and alter behaviors holding you back. This approach will help you to discover your hidden strengths, eliminate self-sabotaging behaviors, and design a roadmap to your true desires. Exercise and Gentle Movements Engaging in appropriate exercises and gentle movements, tailored to individual needs, can enhance physical strength, flexibility, and overall well-being. Some people can do harder exercises, like go to the gym, others will prefer lighter exercises like yoga, tai chi, QiGong, Self-Healing Movements, no matter what exercise you choose, move your body will be a great addiction to any holistic approach. Techniques to Calm Down the Nervous System Calming exercises such as deep breathing, somatic techniques, social interaction, journaling, guided imagery and progressive muscle relaxation, can help regulate the nervous system and reduce the perception of pain. Rewire Your Brain Understanding and utilizing neuroplasticity, the brain's ability to rewire and adapt, can aid in managing chronic pain. Techniques like positive affirmations, gratitude practice, and visualization can help reshape the brain's response to pain. Sleep Strategies Quality sleep is essential for healing and managing chronic pain. Implementing effective sleep strategies can significantly impact pain levels and overall health. Healthy Eating Nutrition plays a vital role in managing pain and promoting healing. A well-balanced, nutritious diet can reduce inflammation and support the body in its healing processes. Acupuncture Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese practice, involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. It is believed to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and can be effective in managing various types of chronic pain. Are You Ready to Take Control of Your Health and Break Free from Chronic Pain? If you're ready to reclaim your life and heal from chronic pain and fatigue, look no further than Be Healthy Academy. Our science-based program is designed to empower you on your healing journey by providing the essential tools and knowledge you need to break free from the cycle of chronic pain. At Be Healthy Academy, we believe in a holistic approach to healing, one that addresses not only the physical aspects of pain but also the mental and emotional components. We offer a comprehensive range of services aimed at providing you with the support and guidance necessary to achieve lasting results. Our program includes: Accountability: Stay on track with our guidance and support. Pain Science Education: Understand your pain and how to manage it effectively. Stress Management Techniques: Learn to manage stress, a common pain exacerbator. Mindset Shifting: Foster a positive mindset for healing and growth. Body Awareness: Understand your body and make informed health choices. Trauma Release Techniques: Release trauma from your body to aid healing. Interactive Workshops: Engage in practical, collaborative learning. Supportive Community: Connect with others on similar healing paths. It's time to break free from the cycle of chronic pain and regain the vitality and well-being you deserve. Join Be Healthy Academy and take the first step towards a life filled with energy, joy, and optimal health. References: 1- First Step Behavioral Health. (n.d.). Holistic Pain Management. First Step Behavioral Health. Retrieved from 2- U.S. Pain Foundation. (n.d.). Holistic Approaches to Chronic Pain. U.S. Pain Foundation. Retrieved from Images shared under Free Creative Commons License, from Freepik or are from Ana's private gallery.

  • What Are the 5 Steps of Emotional Healing?

    In our life’s journey, emotional healing is a profound and personal journey—for those wanting comfort, renewal, and a closer bond with themselves. This process, though deeply personal, carries universal significance. It's a path of self-discovery, building strength, and growing deeply. In my practice, most patients suffering from chronic pain experience some level of emotional challenges. In this blog, we explore the heart of emotional healing, revealing the five key steps that guide individuals toward the light of emotional well-being. Why do we need emotional healing? Emotions are an integral part of the human experience because they affect our perceptions, shape our behaviors, and influence the quality of our lives. While positive emotions like joy, love, and happiness enrich our existence, negative emotions such as fear, anger, and sadness can leave deep emotional wounds that affect our well-being. Here are some compelling reasons why we need emotional healing: Better Physical Health The link between the mind and body is profound. Unresolved emotional issues can show up as physical symptoms, including chronic pain, digestive problems, and disrupted sleep. Emotional healing can lead to improved physical health by reducing the stress and tension that contribute to these issues. Increased Resilience Emotional healing fosters resilience, the ability to bounce back from adversity. It provides us with tools and strategies to navigate life's hurdles with confidence and flexibility. When we are emotionally healthy, we can face difficulties with a greater sense of confidence and adaptability. Healing from chronic pain is not a straight line, and it is so important to be able to bounce back quickly when you do have a flare-up. Self-Awareness and Personal Growth Emotional healing is a journey of self-discovery. It encourages self-reflection and introspection, allowing us to gain insight into our thought patterns, behaviors, and triggers. This heightened self-awareness is a cornerstone of personal growth and self-improvement. Empowerment Emotional healing empowers us to take control of our emotions rather than being controlled by them. It provides us with the tools to regulate our emotional responses, make informed decisions, and set healthy boundaries. This empowerment can lead to a greater sense of independence and self-mastery. Release Emotional Baggage Life is filled with experiences that can be emotionally taxing, from childhood traumas to adult stressors. These experiences can accumulate, creating emotional baggage that weighs us down. Emotional healing helps us unpack and release this baggage, freeing us from the burden of unresolved emotions. Breaking Generational Patterns Often, emotional wounds and patterns are passed down through generations. By engaging in emotional healing, we can break these cycles and create a healthier emotional legacy for our families and future generations. Improved Mental Health Our emotional health plays a pivotal role in shaping our overall mental well-being. Ignoring emotional struggles can lead to conditions like anxiety and depression. Emotional healing can alleviate the symptoms of these conditions and provide strategies for managing them. Enhanced Relationships Unresolved emotions can strain our relationships with others. Negative emotions often lead to communication breakdowns, misunderstandings, and conflicts. Emotional healing equips us with the tools to communicate effectively, empathize with others, and cultivate healthier relationships. Enhanced Quality of Life and Inner Peace Ultimately, emotional healing contributes to an enhanced quality of life. It allows us to let go of resentments, grudges, and the weight of the past. In their place, we can cultivate a sense of inner calm, acceptance, and contentment. As we heal emotionally, we can experience a greater sense of joy, fulfillment, and contentment in our daily lives. What are the 5 steps to emotional healing? Emotional healing unfolds in five distinct stages, each playing a crucial role in the journey towards wholeness. Stage 1: Discovery This stage is crucial as it helps you to understand your intentions, goals, and vision clearly. This stage helps you to identify the specific areas of your life that are most impacted by your emotional pain and what is blocking you from reaching your goals. With this clarity, you can start developing a roadmap that caters to your specific needs. Understanding what motivates you to move forward will allow you to approach your healing journey with a sense of purpose and direction, which can be incredibly empowering and motivating. Stage 2: Awareness With awareness comes the ability to recognize the intricate connection between thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. This entails acknowledging past wounds, identifying triggers, and understanding how emotions manifest in their lives. It's a journey into self-awareness, laying the foundation for healing. Cultivating mindfulness becomes a potent tool as individuals learn to observe without judgment and to become attuned to the intricate dance between the mind and body. Stage 3: Embodiment Embodiment marks the integration of awareness into daily life. Here, individuals seek techniques or practices like yoga or mindful movement to synchronize breath, movement, and awareness. You can move what you know/understand into a deeper experience. Now equipped with the ability to release and overcome inner blocks, it is easier to seek ways to nurture a deeper mind-body connection. When you connect the mind with the body, you can create healthier boundaries, access your body intelligence, regulate the nervous system, and ignite your healing abilities. This creates a balanced connection between the physical vessel and the emotional landscape. Stage 4: Empowerment Empowerment is about gaining strength and deepening your awareness. You actively take charge of your healing journey. You are connected with your body and can consciously choose methods that align with your unique needs and preferences. You are ready and excited to go deeper and heal the trauma stored in your body, older shadows, or embrace your inner child. This active participation in your healing journey empowers you to regain a sense of control and agency over your well-being. Stage 5: Mastery The culmination of the healing journey lies in mastery. After moving through the previous stages, people understand themselves better and know which tools help them heal and when they can pick each tools. They are now equipped to navigate life's challenges with resilience, armed with a toolkit of practices that support their holistic well-being. Signs of Emotional Healing Recognizing that you are on the path to emotional healing is a significant milestone. Here are some signs that indicate you are making progress: Improved Physical Health and Chronic Pain One of the most remarkable signs of progressing on your emotional healing journey is feeling better physically. When you address your emotional issues, you might notice fewer physical symptoms like pain. This means your body isn't holding onto stress anymore. It's not uncommon for individuals to report a decrease in chronic pain conditions, such as headaches, backaches, neck pain or digestive issues, as they progress in their emotional healing journey. Improved Mental Health As you navigate the stages of healing and work through past emotional wounds, you'll likely notice a significant shift in your mental well-being. Many individuals report a decrease in symptoms related to anxiety and depression. As you heal emotionally, you'll find that your mind becomes clearer, calmer, and more resilient. Greater Resilience As you work through past emotional wounds, you develop a deeper understanding of yourself and your inner strength. This newfound resilience allows you to navigate difficult situations with greater ease. While challenges may still arise, you'll find that you can bounce back more quickly and effectively. Instead of feeling overwhelmed or stuck, you become more adaptable and better equipped to handle life's ups and downs. Increased Self-Awareness Emotional healing leads to increased self-awareness—a profound connection with your inner self. As you delve into the stages of healing, you'll gain a deeper understanding of your emotions, triggers, and thought patterns. This heightened self-awareness empowers you to make healthier choices in your life. You become more attuned to your needs and boundaries, and you can communicate them more effectively to others. Tune Into Your Body As you heal emotionally, you become more aware of your body's signals and sensations. This increased awareness helps you detect any tension or unease early on, allowing you to take proactive steps to address it before it becomes pain. By listening to your body's whispers of discomfort or ease, you gain the power to make informed decisions that support your overall health. This profound connection between your emotional and physical experiences is a clear sign of progress on your emotional healing journey. Better Relationships with Others As you heal emotionally, you become more compassionate and understanding. You're better able to empathize with the emotions and experiences of those close to you. This increased empathy fosters deeper connections and more meaningful relationships. You'll find that conflicts become easier to resolve, as you can communicate your thoughts and feelings more clearly and authentically. Healthy boundaries and effective communication become the foundation of your interactions, creating a more harmonious and supportive environment for everyone involved. A Profound Sense of Freedom A clear sign of emotional healing is the freedom you feel. As you let go of old emotional weights, you feel lighter, like a weight has been taken off you. You'll notice a lightness in your being, as if a heavy weight has been lifted from your shoulders. This freedom lets you live life more openly and chase your dreams with greater clarity and focus. Instead of being held back by the past, you can now look forward to a future full of potential. This sense of freedom is a beautiful testament to the transformative power of emotional healing. How do You Start Your Emotional Healing and Self-discovery Journey? The journey of emotional healing begins with a simple yet powerful step: acknowledging the need for healing. Awareness is always the first step, right? It's the recognition that emotional wounds exist and deserve our attention and care. Starting the healing process involves a commitment to self-compassion, allowing yourself to feel, and seeking support when necessary. It's about embracing vulnerability as a strength and realizing that healing is a journey worth embarking upon. Here are 9 tips to help you regain control of your life: 1- Set Realistic Goals: It's essential to set realistic and achievable goals for your emotional healing journey. Break down your journey into smaller steps and celebrate each milestone along the way. This approach not only provides a sense of accomplishment but also ensures that you stay motivated and committed to the process. 2- Invest in Self-Care: Self-care is a priority, not a luxury. Remember, we can pour from an empty cup, right? It is importan to begin by recognizing the importance of self-care. Prioritize time for yourself in your daily schedule. It could be as simple as setting aside a few minutes each day for meditation, deep breathing, or journaling. Self-care provides the space for self-reflection and emotional exploration. 3- Practice Mindfulness: Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, somatic techniques, Self-healing movement and yoga, can be instrumental in emotional healing. These practices help you stay present in the moment, allowing you to observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Mindfulness fosters self-awareness and can be a gateway to understanding your emotional landscape. 4- Join Supportive Communities: Connecting with others who are on a similar journey can be comforting and encouraging. Many local and online support groups focus on emotional healing and provide a platform for sharing experiences and insights. These communities can offer valuable perspectives and encouragement along the way. 5- Forgive Yourself and Embrace Patience: Self-compassion is a fundamental aspect of emotional healing. Understand that healing is not a linear path, and there will be ups and downs. It's okay to have setbacks or moments of difficulty. Practice self-forgiveness and treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a close friend. Emotional healing takes time, be gentle with yourself, and trust that healing will unfold at its own pace. 6- Celebrate Your Progress: As you progress on your emotional healing journey, take time to acknowledge and celebrate your achievements. Whether it's overcoming a specific challenge or experiencing a newfound sense of peace, these moments of progress are worth celebrating. Celebrations reinforce your commitment and boost your confidence. 7- Seek Guidance: Emotional healing can be a complex journey, and seeking guidance from professionals or supportive communities can be immensely beneficial. Consider exploring therapy or coaching who specializes in emotional healing. They can provide you with tools, techniques, and a safe space to work through your emotions. 8- Educate Yourself: Knowledge is a powerful tool on your healing journey. Educate yourself about emotional healing, the stages of healing, and the methods that resonate with you. There are numerous books, articles, and online resources that can deepen your understanding of this process. 9- Be Healthy Academy: To support individuals on their emotional healing journeys, the Be Healthy Academy offers a wealth of resources and expertise. Created by a healthycare provider with over 15 years of experience to provide in-depth insights into emotional healing, self-care practices, and holistic well-being. Interactive workshops offer opportunities for self-discovery and growth. Additionally, our nurturing community provides a safe and supportive space to connect with others who share similar aspirations. In conclusion, your emotional healing journey is a path to self-discovery, resilience, and inner peace. By taking the first step and committing to your well-being, you open the door to a life filled with greater self-awareness and more profound connections with both yourself and those around you. Start Your Emotional Healing Journey Now! If you're ready to reclaim your life and heal from chronic pain (physical or emotional), join Be Healthy Academy. Be Healthy Academy is a science-based program that offers accountability, pain science education, stress management techniques, ways to shift mindset, increase body awareness, techniques to release trauma from the body, and so much more 🧠💖🔥 We also offer interactive workshops and a supportive community to guide you on your healing journey. Everything you need is right here. Click the link below now and take the first step toward a healthier, happier you. Join us at Be Healthy Academy! References: Seeking Him Today. (n.d.). The 7 Steps for Emotional Healing That Will Change Your Life Completely. Retrieved from Beautiful Soul Counseling. (n.d.). Stages of Emotional Healing: Understanding the Journey. Retrieved from Images shared under Free Creative Commons License, from Freepik, or are from Ana's private gallery.

  • Chronic Pain and Fatigue: Discover the Cycle and How to Break It

    Chronic pain is an unwelcome companion for many, impacting not only physical well-being but also causing profound fatigue. This blog will explore the intricate relationship between chronic pain and fatigue and provide practical tips to break this exhausting cycle. What is Chronic Fatigue? Chronic Fatigue is more than just feeling tired after a long day or a strenuous exercise. It's an all-encompassing sensation of weariness that affects various facets of your life. When you experience fatigue, it's not merely physical exhaustion; it also extends to mental and emotional exhaustion. The spoon theory explains that people living with chronic illness, chronic pain, and disability have limited energy resources and also expend more energy on everyday tasks than people without disease and disability. Spoon theory uses spoons as a unit of energy, and each spoon estimates how many spoons you may require to complete a specific task. There are 3 types of Fatigue: Physical Fatigue: Physically, fatigue manifests as a pervasive sense of weakness and lethargy. It's the feeling of being drained of energy, to the point where even the simplest tasks require a monumental effort, such as going up and down stairs or transferring from seat to stand. Chronic pain conditions, such as fibromyalgia or arthritis, often exacerbate physical fatigue. Mental Fatigue: Mental fatigue is a cognitive slowdown. It impairs your ability to concentrate, make decisions, and think clearly. Imagine focusing on a task while your mind feels foggy and sluggish. An excellent example of this type of fatigue is when you are on the computer for hours (your body hasn’t done much, but the brain is tired). Emotional Fatigue: Emotional fatigue is another dimension of this complex phenomenon. It's characterized by emotional exhaustion and a reduced ability to cope with stress. You may feel easily triggered, apathy, hopelessness, and lack of motivation. Chronic pain often brings emotional fatigue because it can lead to frustration, anxiety, and even depression. Dealing with persistent pain can be emotionally draining, making it challenging to maintain a positive outlook. Does Chronic Pain Make You Tired? The Complex Relationship Between Chronic Pain And Fatigue Chronic pain is a deceptive companion. It not only causes physical discomfort but also disrupts various aspects of your life, including your energy levels. The relationship between chronic pain and fatigue is complex and multifaceted, each affecting the other continuously. Imagine your body as a machine that has limited reserves of energy. In the case of chronic pain, a substantial portion of this reserve goes toward healing and managing the ongoing discomfort. This leaves very little energy for other essential functions, such as maintaining overall vitality and combating inflammation. Here's how this intricate relationship works: Sleep Disturbances: One of the most apparent ways chronic pain leads to fatigue is by interfering with your sleep. The discomfort and discomfort associated with conditions like fibromyalgia, arthritis, or back pain can make it difficult to fall asleep and stay asleep. Even when you do manage to drift off, you may wake frequently throughout the night due to pain. As a result, you wake up feeling far from rested, setting the stage for a day filled with exhaustion. Physical and Mental Strain: Coping with chronic pain requires significant physical and mental effort and often leads to heightened stress levels. The frustration of living with persistent discomfort can take a toll on your mental health, leading to anxiety and even depression. Simple tasks that were once effortless become exhausting endeavors. Stress in the Body: When suffering from chronic pain, your body constantly processes pain signals, diverting precious energy from other essential functions. For some people, the pain becomes the thread, and the body may react to it. Your body may perceive that you are in a constant stress response (fight, flight, or freeze); the alarms keep going, and the warning messages don’t stop. This stress response from the body creates more inflammation and also increases the perception of the pain intensity. This ongoing inflammatory response, combined with the body’s constant stress response, can leave you physically and mentally drained. Reduced Activity: Have you heard, “If you don’t use it, you lose it”? Chronic pain can limit your ability to engage in physical activities. You may find yourself avoiding exercise or even basic movements due to the fear of exacerbating your pain. This sedentary lifestyle can lead to muscle weakness and decreased endurance, making tasks that were once easy even more exhausting. Vicious Cycle: It is very common to see patients experiencing the Pain-Stress-Fatigue cycle. Fatigue further complicates the management of chronic pain. When you’re tired, your pain tolerance decreases, making the pain feel even more intense. This can lead to increased stress and further worsening of fatigue, creating a vicious cycle that’s challenging to break. Medication Side Effects: Many individuals with chronic pain rely on medications to manage their symptoms. These medications can come with side effects, including drowsiness and mental fogginess. While they may help alleviate pain, they can also contribute to feelings of fatigue. Understanding this intricate relationship between chronic pain and fatigue is the first step toward breaking the cycle and regaining control over your life. By addressing your condition's physical and emotional aspects, you can develop strategies to manage pain effectively and improve your overall energy levels. 5 Tips to Break This Cycle Breaking the cycle of chronic pain and fatigue is possible with the right strategies. Here are five tips to help you regain control of your life: 1. Exercise or Gentle Movements Remember: “Motion is Lotion”. Regular exercise or gentle movements like yoga, tai chi, QiGong, Self-Healing Movements can improve your physical condition and help manage pain. Exercise releases endorphins, your body’s natural painkillers, and can enhance overall energy levels. Even if you’re dealing with chronic pain, there are modified exercises that can be tailored to your needs. 2. Eating Healthy A balanced diet can provide the necessary nutrients to support your body's energy production. Avoid excessive caffeine and sugar, as they can lead to energy crashes. Instead, opt for whole foods like fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. Nutrient-rich foods can provide the sustained energy you need to combat fatigue. 3. Relaxation Techniques As you heal, it is very important to remind the body that you are safe, that the pain is not a real threat, and that it is okay for the body to move to a parasympathetic state (relaxation, digestion, and healing). Practicing relaxation and somatic techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or progressive muscle relaxation can reduce stress and help manage pain. Less stress means less mental fatigue and more energy. These techniques can also improve the quality of your sleep, further contributing to your overall well-being. 4. Consistent Sleep Routine Establishing a regular sleep schedule can improve the quality of your sleep. Ensure your sleep environment is comfortable and conducive to rest. Your bedroom is your “safe space”; we need to feel safe and comfortable to fall asleep. Adequate sleep can significantly reduce fatigue and improve resilience in managing chronic pain. 5. Take Care of Your Mental Health Managing chronic pain can be emotionally challenging. Seek support from a therapist, a coach, or a support group to address the emotional aspects of pain. When your mental health is in check, it can positively impact your overall energy levels. Additionally, managing any underlying anxiety or depression can help break the cycle of pain and fatigue. Conclusion In conclusion, chronic pain and fatigue don't have to be your constant companions. By implementing these strategies and seeking support, you can regain control of your health and break free from the cycle that has held you back. Remember, you have the power to live a life filled with energy and well-being. Are You Ready to Take Control of Your Health and Break Free from Chronic Pain? If you're ready to reclaim your life and heal from chronic pain and fatigue, join Be Healthy Academy. Be Healthy Academy is a science-based program that offers accountability, pain science education, stress management techniques, ways to shift mindset, increase body awareness, techniques to release trauma from the body, and so much more 🧠💖🔥 We also offer interactive workshops and a supportive community to guide you on your healing journey. It's time to break free from the cycle and regain the vitality and well-being you deserve. References: Madison Medical Associates. (n.d.). The Relationship Between Chronic Pain And Fatigue. Retrieved from AbleTo. (n.d.). Why Chronic Pain Causes Fatigue and Depression. Retrieved from HealthCentral. (n.d.). How to Deal With Fatigue When You Have Chronic Pain. Retrieved from Fanaee, D. (n.d.). What is Spoon Theory? Retrieved from Images shared under Free Creative Commons License, from Freepik, or are from Ana's private gallery.

  • Self Healing Journey: Practical Steps to Start Today

    In today's fast-paced world, where the demands of modern life seem ceaseless and challenges abound, the pursuit of methods to heal and rejuvenate has transcended being a mere luxury – it has become a pressing necessity. As individuals navigate the complexities of daily existence, embarking on a self-healing journey has risen to the forefront as an imperative step toward finding solace amidst the chaos. What is a Self-Healing Journey? In the midst of life's demands and challenges, the concept of a self-healing journey emerges as a beacon of hope and transformation. This journey entails a deliberate and conscious commitment to restoring the equilibrium within your body and the harmony within your mind and spirit. Imagine it as embarking on a quest of self-discovery. It's a personalized expedition that recognizes the intricate interplay between your physical health, emotional well-being, and the very essence of your being. In a self-healing journey, you become the protagonist, the navigator of your own story, taking the reins of your destiny into your capable hands. It's about acknowledging and honoring your innate power. As you delve into this transformative expedition, you unearth the profound wisdom of your body—the whispers of intuition, the language of sensations, and the symphony of rhythms that orchestrate your existence. You tap into your body's remarkable ability to restore and rejuvenate, becoming an active participant in your own healing process. This sense of empowerment is the driving force that propels you forward in your journey. Furthermore, a self-healing journey is not a solitary endeavor. It's an invitation to connect with yourself in ways you may have never explored before. Your body becomes your sanctuary —a place where you can nurture, heal, and flourish. So, when you embark on a self-healing journey, you're not just embarking on a path to overcome pain; you're embarking on a transformative expedition to reclaim your life, your essence, and your power. It's a journey that radiates with the promise of renewed hope, resilience, and a rekindled sense of self. When Does Someone Need a Self-Healing Journey? We all can reap the benefits of a self-healing journey, even if we don’t have any symptoms or experience chronic pain. It is one of the best preventive techniques that I know. This journey becomes essential when conventional approaches to managing chronic pain (physical or emotional) fall short. It is an excellent option for those who seek a personalized approach, a holistic understanding of their bodies, and an empowerment that comes from taking an active role in their healing process. A Self-healing Jouney can help a wide range of symptoms, including: Musculoskeletal disorders: back pain, neck pain, headache, sciatica problems... Emotional issues: stress, anxiety, depression, excessive worry or fear, etc. Digestive disorders: bloating, Constipation, GERD (Gastroesophageal reflux disease), Acid reflux Auto-immune conditions: lupus, fibromialgia, rheumatoid arthritis Sleep problems Burnout and constant fatigue Somatic-Visceral Interactions ​And much more Benefits of the Self-Healing Journey The benefits of a self-healing journey extend far beyond pain management. By delving into the interconnectedness of physical and emotional health, individuals can experience a profound shift in their overall well-being. Women navigating the challenges of chronic pain can find confort in the fact that this journey can lead to improved pain release, reduced inflammation, and enhanced emotional resilience. The 4 Pillars of Holistic Self-Healing Journey For well over a decade, I've had the privilege of guiding numerous clients on their journey to healing. Throughout this journey, I've had the opportunity to identify what I call the "Four Pillars of Self-Healing." These pillars have proven to be invaluable in helping my patients accelerate their progress as they learn to integrate them into their healing voyage. 1. Access Your Body's Intelligence You may be asking, "What does Body Intelligence mean?" It is the inner wisdom that the body has; the inner knowing allows us to feel thirsty, hungry, or even know when we need to leave a relationship that isn't working for us. Imagine being able to detect tension and discomfort in your body long before they escalate into pain; it is as if we could listen to the whispers that your body sends long before they escalate into shouts of pain. Many people are unaware of what triggers their discomfort because they haven't fully connected with their internal body intelligence. This internal wisdom serves as a guide, providing signals about what's working and what's not. By tuning into this intelligence, we can avoid activities that harm us and embrace those that promote our well-being. Enhancing your body awareness through accessing your body's intelligence is a pivotal step in your self-healing journey. 2. Master Your Nervous System Have you ever noticed your pain or symptoms getting worse when you are having a stressful day? Yes, that is called the Stress-Pain cycle. When we're in a state of stress (marked by the fight, flight, or freeze response), the body's capacity for healing is severely compromised, and how we perceive pain can shift. Conversely, activating our parasympathetic nervous system (known as the rest, digest, and heal state) facilitates the body's natural healing mechanisms. In this state of relaxation and healing, the body can accelerate the healing processes. 3. Release Trauma from the Body The third pillar delves into the vital process of releasing trauma stored within the body. Our bodies often carry the weight of trauma, whether we experience a significant event or a series of smaller experiences. When you have trauma stored in the body, it is like you are carrying a very heavy backpack; everything requires more effort, and after a while, you may even forget that you are carrying the extra weight, but your body doesn't forget. Your body still has to work so much harder to "live a normal life". It's essential to acknowledge and address the physical and emotional trauma held within our bodies. By honoring and releasing this accumulated trauma, you can feel lighter, and your body can relax and heal. 4. Ignite Your Innate Healing Abilities This pillar recognizes the remarkable regenerative power inherently present within our bodies. Have you ever cut your finger, and within a few minutes/hours/days it completely healed? You probably experienced the power of self-healing multiple times in your life already. The question that arises is: How can we awaken and utilize this inherent healing potential? The answer to this question is highly individual and unique to each person's journey. By tapping into this latent power, we can expedite healing, promote tissue regeneration, reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and embark on a transformative journey toward lasting well-being. Each of these pillars constitutes a foundational aspect of your self-healing journey. Together, they form a comprehensive approach that guides you through the 5 Stages of Healing: discovery, awareness, emb odiment, empowerment, and, ultimately, mastery. How Do I Start a Self-Healing Journey? Embarking on a self-healing journey is similar to setting foot on a transformative path that guides you from a place of powerlessness to empowerment and mastery. This journey is marked by five distinct and progressive stages, each serving as a stepping stone toward achieving holistic healing and lasting transformation. As you navigate through these stages, you'll gradually unveil the layers of your inner strength, gaining profound insights into the intricate connection between your mind, body, and spirit. As you embark on this transformative path, may you find support and renewed hope. With each step you take, you draw closer to reclaiming your life, embracing vitality, and nurturing holistic well-being. Stage 1: Discovery During the initial stage of your self-healing journey, you will embark on deep self-discovery. This stage is crucial as it helps you to clearly understand your intentions, goals, and vision. By doing so, you can lay the groundwork for your healing journey by clarifying what you want and making it easier to create a path to get there. This stage helps you to identify the specific areas of your life that are most impacted by your pain and what is blocking you from reaching your goals. With this clarity, you can start developing a roadmap that caters to your specific needs. Understanding what motivates you to move forward will allow you to approach your healing journey with a sense of purpose and direction, which can be incredibly empowering and motivating. Stage 2: Awareness Once we are clear about our current situation and our goals for the future, we need to learn how to identify the blocks that stop us from moving forward. During this stage, you will learn to release those blocks that hinder your progress. This newfound awareness will empower you to identify and release patterns, triggers, and stressors that exacerbate your pain, allowing you to move forward with ease and confidence. Cultivating mindfulness becomes a potent tool during this stage as you learn to observe without judgment, becoming attuned to the intricate dance between your mental and physical realms. By developing this skill, you can identify and manage your thoughts and emotions better, which can help you lead a fulfilling life. Stage 3: Embodiment With awareness comes a natural progression into the stage of embodiment. You can move what you know/understand into a deeper experience, embodying the knowing into your body and heart. Now equipped with the ability to release and overcome inner blocks, it is easier to recognize the interplay between your inner experiences and your environment. It is also easier to seek ways to nurture a deeper mind-body connection. When you connect the mind with the body, you can create healthier boundaries, access your body intelligence, regulate the nervous system, and ignite your healing abilities. This integration sets the stage for deeper healing and transformation. Stage 4: Empowerment As you delve deeper into your self-healing journey, the stage of empowerment emerges as a beacon of strength. Here, you actively take charge of your healing process by exploring a range of modalities that resonate with you. You are ready and excited to go deeper and heal the trauma stored in your body, older shadows, or embrace your inner child. You are connected with your body and can consciously choose methods that align with your unique needs and preferences. This active participation in your healing journey empowers you to regain a sense of control and agency over your well-being. Stage 5: Mastery The final stage represents the culmination of your self-healing journey. Having explored the previous stages, you trust yourself and have gained a profound understanding of your inner landscape and the tools that facilitate your healing. You are now equipped to navigate challenges with resilience, armed with a toolkit of practices that support your holistic health. You already have the essential tools and are ready to practice choosing the best tool for each situation or challenge you encounter. At this stage, you embody the essence of mastery, a testament to your commitment to self-discovery, awareness, embodiment, and empowerment. Conclusion In the grand tapestry of life, a self-healing journey is a transformative odyssey that invites you to uncover your innate strength and master the art of holistic healing. It beckons you to embark on a path where pain is not the final destination but a stepping stone to transformation. By navigating through the stages of discovery, awareness, embodiment, empowerment, and mastery, you will empower yourself to rewrite the narrative of chronic pain and embrace a life of vitality and wellness. As we conclude this exploration of a self-healing journey, remember that it's not a one-size-fits-all expedition. It's a personalized quest where you are the hero, the healer, and the master of your destiny. In your pursuit of holistic well-being, consider an experienced guide, a mentor that will help you to navigate each stage, from discovery to mastery, unveil new facets of your inner strength, and guide you toward profound healing. I will be happy to guide you as you embark on your self-healing journey, for within you, the power to heal and flourish awaits. May your path be filled with renewed hope, resilience, and the profound joy of self-discovery. In your journey towards holistic well-being, explore the invaluable support offered by resources like the Be Healthy Academy, a sanctuary where a compassionate healthcare provider serves as your guide and where transformative workshops and a nurturing community come together to illuminate your path to healing. As you embark on your self-healing journey, you will receive practical resources that can guide you every step of the way, and you'll gain the knowledge and tools to initiate and sustain your transformational path toward taking your life back. References: Salay, T. (n.d.). How to Start a Self-Healing Journey. Retrieved from (n.d.). The Healing Journey: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Retrieved from The Lifeline Center. (n.d.). What Is the Self-Healing Journey and Why Does It Matter? Retrieved from Sunny. (n.d.). Own Your Healing Journey. Retrieved from Images shared under Free Creative Commons License, from Freepik or are from Ana's private gallery.

  • Are You Living in Survival Mode? The Ultimate Guide to Recognizing It and Tips for Breaking Free

    Survival mode is an intricately wired response deeply ingrained in our biology as humans. In ancient times, it was crucial in keeping us alive during life-threatening situations. But in today's modern world, where threats are more abstract and constant, the survival mode response can become chronic and overwhelming, leading to a range of physical, emotional, and psychological issues. What is “Survival Mode”? Survival mode, often referred to as the "fight-flight-freeze" response, is a primal instinct that activates when the brain perceives a threat. This response triggers a cascade of changes, including an increase in heart rate, heightened senses, and the release of stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. While this response can be life-saving in true emergency situations, it can also become problematic when activated frequently due to chronic stress. How Do You Know When You're in Survival Mode? Recognizing the subtle nuances of survival mode empowers you to break free from it. Here are some key signs to watch out for: Consider these markers: Ignoring Basic Needs: You find yourself neglecting essential needs like proper nutrition, hydration, and sleep because you're constantly focused on something else. Prioritizing these needs anchors you in the present moment and establishes a foundation for emotional and physical well-being. Difficulty Focusing: Your attention drifts as your mind becomes consumed by stressors. You may catch yourself overthinking, and your ability to concentrate decreases as your mind remains preoccupied. You may struggle to juggle multiple tasks efficiently. It's hard to zero in on the task at hand, leaving you feeling scattered and overwhelmed. This problem can hinder your productivity and can actually exacerbate your stress levels. Overwhelming Stress: You're overwhelmed by stress that seems to be coming from all directions. Even minor challenges seem impossible, and stress permeates every aspect of your life. This constant level of stress can lead to feelings of helplessness and despair, trapping you in a cycle of negative emotions. Recognizing this pattern is the first step toward regaining control. Sense of Urgency: Mundane tasks adopt an urgency that evokes heightened anxiety. Your perception of time distorts, and everything feels crucial. This distorted perception can strain relationships and impact decision-making. Memory Issues: Stress impairs your short-term memory, making it difficult to remember tasks and appointments. This forgetfulness stems from the strain on your cognitive resources as your brain devotes so much energy to managing stress and addressing stress can alleviate memory difficulties. Inability to Relax: Relaxation becomes an elusive concept as your mind remains in a constant state of alertness. For some of my patients, even attempts to meditate triggered more stress than relief. When we can’t relax, the body remains in a perpetual state of readiness, inhibiting the restorative processes necessary for healing. Mood Swings: You find yourself easily irritable and moody, even in situations that wouldn't typically bother you.These fluctuations often result from the constant tension within you, leading to interpersonal conflicts and emotional instability. Recognizing these mood swings enables you to manage them more effectively. Lack of Sleep: Sleep disturbances become a norm, leaving you fatigued and less equipped to cope with stress. This can lead to a vicious cycle of heightened stress and poor sleep quality, further perpetuating survival mode. “Healthy Stress” vs. Chronic Stress: What's the Difference? It's important to distinguish between "healthy stress" and chronic stress. Healthy stress, also known as acute stress, is short-term and often arises in response to challenges that can be resolved. For example, if you are crossing the street and the car is coming, you need to do something, you need to run, you need to cross the street faster, you need to hide yourself, you need to have some kind of stress reaction to survive, you can't just sit down in front of the car and meditate, right? In this case, flight or run would be a healthy stress reaction. Chronic stress, on the other hand, is continuous and prolonged, with no apparent end in sight. While healthy stress can actually enhance performance, chronic stress can lead to many health problems like burnout, anxiety, headache, digestive problems and even a compromised immune system. What Happens When You're in Survival Mode for Too Long? Living in survival mode for an extended period can have profound and far-reaching effects on various aspects of your life. The insidious nature of chronic stress, when left unchecked, can affect your physical, emotional, and behavioral well-being, leaving a trail of detrimental consequences. Physical: Chronic stress undeniably affects your physical health. The body's stress response, designed to mobilize resources for immediate action, becomes a double-edged sword when activated persistently. Survival mode can exacerbate chronic pain conditions or trigger the development of new ones. The heightened stress response can contribute to inflammation and muscle tension, amplifying pain sensations. Over time, this prolonged activation can lead to many problems like: increased blood pressure, digestive issues, weakened immune system, disrupted sleep patterns, and even cause chronic pain conditions. It is hard for the body to heal and repair when we are experiencing chronic stress. Emotional: Beyond its physical manifestations, chronic stress significantly influences your emotional and mental well-being. The mind-body connection underscores how your emotional state can impact your physical health and vice versa. Prolonged survival mode can result in heightened anxiety, depression, difficulty experiencing joy or relaxation, cognitive impairments, and many more. The ongoing struggle to manage stressors can lead to feelings of hopelessness and a diminished sense of pleasure in activities you once enjoyed. It can be difficult to engage with moments of joy or complete relaxation. You may find it challenging to be present and savor positive experiences, further eroding your overall well-being. Behavioral: Survival stress extends beyond the realms of physical and emotional health, influencing your behaviors and interactions with the world around you. The exhaustion caused by chronic stress can lead to a decline in motivation and enthusiasm. The cognitive fog induced by chronic stress can impair your ability to make clear and rational decisions. You may find yourself making impulsive choices or struggling to weigh the consequences of your actions. Under the weight of chronic stress, you may resort to unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as overeating, excessive alcohol consumption, or other forms of self-destructive behavior. These coping strategies provide temporary relief but can worsen your overall well-being in the long run. You may find it challenging to engage in healthy behaviors, such as maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and establishing healthy relationships. It can feel harder to maintain motivation and commitment when you aren’t feeling well. How to Break Free from Survival Mode? Breaking free from survival mode requires conscious effort and a commitment to self-care. Here are some strategies to help you transition out of this mode: Focus on Your Needs: Prioritize self-care like a cherished ritual. Nurture your physical, emotional, and mental well-being through activities that rejuvenate you. Engage in activities that bring you joy, whether reading, spending time in nature, or practicing mindfulness. Connect With Others: Seek support from friends, family, or professionals who can provide a safe space for you to express your feelings. Sharing your challenges can lighten the burden you carry and foster a sense of belonging. Meaningful connections provide emotional nourishment. Exercise or Gentle movement: Engaging in regular physical activity can help reduce stress hormones and boost mood-enhancing endorphins. Even gentle movements, like the ones we teach in the Self-Healing Mastery class, or a brisk walk, can stimulate your body's healing mechanisms. We all know that regular physical activity can significantly impact your overall well-being, right? Set Realistic Expectations: Embrace achievable goals that reflect your current circumstances. Unrealistic expectations can create more stress and dissatisfaction. Breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps can empower you to make consistent progress. Remember to be kind to yourself through the process. Forgive Yourself: Understand that no one is perfect, and it's okay to make mistakes. Accept that perfection is an illusion and practice self-compassion to foster growth and resilience. This will enable you to navigate challenges with greater ease and flexibility. Create a New Plan: Evaluate your priorities and create a plan that promotes a healthier work-life balance. Modify your strategies as needed to maintain a healthier equilibrium. Seek Help: If you find it challenging to break free from survival mode on your own, consider seeking professional help from coaches or therapists experienced in stress management. They provide insights and tools to facilitate your journey, offering personalized strategies based on your unique circumstances. Everything You Need to Take Control of Your Well-being is Right Here If you're struggling to escape the clutches of survival mode, know that there is support available. Be Healthy Academy shines as a beacon of hope. Be Healthy Academy offers comprehensive resources and guidance to help individuals like you regain control of their well-being. The academy merges scientific insights with holistic healing, equipping you with the tools to rewire your brain and harmonize your body's responses. By blending science and holistic healing, you can journey towards lasting transformation, discovering newfound vitality and reclaiming control over your health and well-being. Are you ready to rewire your brain, reconnect with your body, and make lasting changes that lead to a healthier, more fulfilling life? Join us! References: Accelerated Resolution Therapy. (n.d.). Are You in Survival Mode? Link Rosen Institute. (n.d.). 8 Signs You're in Survival Mode and Steps to Escape. Link Jefferson Center for Mental Health. (n.d.). A How-To Guide for Surviving Survival Mode. Link Happiful. (n.d.). How to Recognize When You Are in Survival Mode and How to Break Free. Link Beautiful Soul Counseling. (n.d.). Living in Survival Mode: What It Is and How to Cope. Link YouTube. (n.d.). TEDx Talks. The Impact of Chronic Stress on Your Brain. Link Images shared under Free Creative Commons License, from Freepik, or are from Ana's private gallery.

  • Chronic Pain Self-Care: Why It's Vital and How to Implement It

    Unfortunately, living with chronic pain is a challenge that millions of people face every day. The CDC estimated that 50 million adults in the United States experienced chronic pain (pain lasting ≥3 months). Chronic pain sometimes can feel like a relentless companion and can affect not only physical well-being but also emotional and psychological health. While finding a cure for chronic pain may take some time, practicing effective self-care strategies can significantly improve your quality of life. Therefore, self-care is an excellent short-term (often even long-term) solution for chronic pain. In this article, we'll delve into the importance of chronic pain self-care and provide valuable insights into implementing it effectively. How do you heal from chronic pain? Healing from chronic pain isn't a one-size-fits-all journey; rather, it's a holistic exploration that encompasses the physical, emotional, and psychological dimensions of your being. While reversing chronic pain entirely might not always be straightforward, how we manage the symptoms during this journey can make all the difference. Self-care, in the context of chronic pain, refers to a range of practices and habits that individuals adopt to minimize pain, promote healing, and enhance overall well-being. The power of self-care lies in its ability to empower individuals to take control of their health and manage their symptoms proactively. Implementing self-care strategies offers several benefits. By actively engaging in practices that promote physical and emotional well-being, individuals can experience reduced pain intensity, improved mobility, better sleep, enhanced mental clarity, and a heightened sense of empowerment and control over their own bodies. Is chronic pain reversible? Absolutely, I witness the transformation in my office every day. Contrary to the belief that chronic pain is irreversible, my extensive experience working with patients has shown that chronic pain can indeed be reversible. While it's true that certain cases, particularly those involving conditions like degenerative diseases, may present challenges in complete reversibility, most patients usually have a remarkable potential for improvement, at least in their quality of life. Effective self-care strategies can substantially reduce the severity of chronic pain. These practices can alleviate the intensity of pain and can empower individuals to lead more enriching lives despite persistent discomfort. By embracing a holistic approach encompassing physical and emotional well-being, individuals can discover a path to relief and reclaim a profound sense of control over their lives. This journey towards a pain-free existence is a testament to the human body's power and remarkable capacity to heal and thrive. Chronic Pain self-care and the areas involved in healing chronic pain For over 15 years, I have guided clients enduring chronic pain toward taking charge of their health. Throughout my experience, I developed the 4 Pillars of Self-Healing. Incorporating these pillars into my practice transformed the healing journeys of my patients. I noticed their recovery was expedited compared to when I used traditional physical therapy alone. 1. Access Your Body Intelligence What if you could notice when tension or discomfort arises (before it becomes pain), what triggers it, and what helps the body to release it? In essence, accessing your body intelligence involves tuning into the subtle cues, sensations, and signals your body constantly communicates. It's about listening to the whispers that your body sends long before they escalate into shouts of pain. By cultivating this connection, you empower yourself to take charge of your healing journey. You become an active participant in deciphering the intricate map of your body's signals, guiding you toward making informed decisions that support your overall well-being. 2. Master Your Nervous System Chronic pain often involves nervous system dysregulation. Your nervous system, often called the body's control center, is vital in how you experience and respond to chronic pain. This pillar empowers you to become the conductor of your body's symphony, harmonizing the delicate dance between the sympathetic "fight, flight or freeze" response and the parasympathetic "rest, heal and digest" state. By mastering your nervous system, you gain the ability to cultivate internal balance, even when facing challenges, fostering a state of being that supports your journey to heal from chronic pain and reclaim your well-being. 3. Release Trauma from the Body It's important to address trauma in both physical and emotional areas, as it can manifest itself in both. Trauma can be imprinted in the body's sensations, movements, tissues, organs, cellular memory,... leading to physical tension, pain, and emotional distress. While conventional talk therapy primarily focuses on addressing psychological aspects, a somatic approach focuses on the body and the body sensations, allowing the individual to create a bridge between the subconscious and conscious mind to release trapped emotions. It is a journey, and it may take time and patience to fully heal from trauma, but with the right support and tools, it's possible to release its weight and move towards a more peaceful and fulfilling life. 4. Ignite Your Self-Healing Abilities Our bodies are amazing machines with the power to heal and regenerate. We have the power to tap into our body's innate capacity to heal and regenerate while harnessing its wisdom to promote lasting transformation. This pillar empowers you to transition from a passive bystander to an active participant in your healing journey, improving your overall experience. By nurturing your ability to listen to your body's signals and gaining a deeper understanding of its needs and responses, you can promote tissue regeneration, reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, and create a lasting transformation. Why is self-care so important in chronic pain patients? Self-care plays a pivotal role in the lives of chronic pain patients because it offers a sense of agency and empowerment. It shifts the focus from merely managing pain to actively participating in the healing process. Additionally, self-care practices counteract the emotional toll that chronic pain often exacts, fostering a positive outlook and emotional well-being. By embracing self-care, individuals can regain a sense of control, resilience, and hope that are essential in managing and healing chronic pain. Self-Care Tips for Individuals With Chronic Pain Empowering yourself through self-care doesn't require drastic changes; instead, it involves adopting small yet impactful practices that can make a significant difference in your daily life. Here are some self-care tips tailored to individuals living with chronic pain: Eating Healthy: A Balanced Diet for Pain Management A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients can play a pivotal role in reducing inflammation and promoting overall well-being. Incorporating anti-inflammatory foods into your meals can have a positive impact on your pain levels. Fruits and vegetables, especially those vibrant in color, are packed with antioxidants that combat inflammation. Healthy fats, such as those found in avocados, nuts, and fatty fish, are beneficial for joint health and may help alleviate pain associated with chronic conditions like arthritis. Exercising: Movement as Medicine While chronic pain might make the idea of exercise daunting, engaging in appropriate physical activities can actually alleviate discomfort. Low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, self-healing movement, and yoga can gently enhance flexibility and strengthen muscles without putting excessive strain on your joints. The release of endorphins during exercise acts as a natural pain reliever and mood enhancer. A personalized exercise plan tailored to your abilities and limitations can improve your physical condition and contribute to a better quality of life. Avoiding Alcohol and Smoke: A Healthy Choice for Pain Management Steering clear of alcohol and smoking is particularly important for individuals with chronic pain. These substances can exacerbate inflammation, hinder the body's natural healing processes, and intensify pain perception. Alcohol consumption can interfere with sleep patterns and contribute to a cycle of disrupted rest, which can worsen pain. Smoking, on the other hand, has detrimental effects on circulation, hindering the body's ability to heal damaged tissues. By eliminating alcohol and smoking, you create a healthier environment for your body to heal and manage pain effectively. Relaxing the Body and Mind to Calm the Nervous System The mind-body connection plays a crucial role in managing chronic pain. Engaging in relaxation techniques can effectively calm the nervous system and alleviate pain symptoms. Deep breathing exercises, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation are valuable tools in reducing stress and promoting a sense of calm. Practicing mindfulness—a state of non-judgmental awareness of the present moment—can redirect your focus away from pain and foster a greater sense of tranquility. Breaking the Pain/Fear Cycle: Mind Over Matter Catastrophizing pain experiences can intensify symptoms and amplify distress. It's essential to shift your perspective and break the cycle of pain and fear. Mindfulness techniques, positive affirmations, and somatic exercises can empower you to take control of your thoughts and emotions. By acknowledging your pain without attaching catastrophic meanings to it, you can weaken the grip that fears and anxiety hold over you. This shift in mindset paves the way for a more positive and proactive approach to managing chronic pain. Keeping a Good Sleep Routine: Prioritizing Restful Nights Quality sleep is vital for managing chronic pain and promoting overall well-being. Establishing a consistent sleep routine can significantly improve sleep quality. Create a comfortable sleep environment by ensuring your bedroom is cool, dark, and quiet. Practicing relaxation techniques, such as gentle stretching or meditation, before bed can help ease your transition into restful sleep. Prioritizing sleep hygiene is a cornerstone of effective pain management. Doing What You Love: Finding Joy and Purpose Engaging in activities that bring joy and purpose into your life can have a profound impact on your emotional well-being and pain management. Pursuing hobbies, spending time with loved ones, and exploring new interests provide a sense of fulfillment and distraction from pain. The positive emotions generated by engaging in enjoyable activities trigger the release of endorphins, natural pain-relieving chemicals in the body. Cultivating a life rich in meaningful experiences contributes to a more positive outlook on your chronic pain journey. Validating Your Feelings and Sensations: Embracing Emotional Awareness Acknowledging your emotions and honoring your sensations without judgment is a cornerstone of effective self-care. Allowing yourself to be fully present in the moment facilitates the healing process. Contrary to popular opinion, avoidance of feeling or emotional suppression (which can cause a “freeze” state of the nervous system) usually causes the body to “keep the score”. It's important to honor your feelings and sensations, even when they are difficult to navigate. Embracing emotional awareness helps prevent and can also contribute to decreased stress and pain. Joining a Support Group: Building a Supportive Community Connecting with others who share similar experiences can create a sense of belonging and validation. Support groups provide a safe space to share your challenges, learn from others' journeys, and receive encouragement. Being part of a supportive community can reduce feelings of isolation and empower you with valuable coping strategies. For instance, inside Be Healthy Academy, we offer an empowerment group that fosters a sense of friendship and mutual understanding among individuals navigating the complexities of chronic pain. Cultivating Positive Thinking: Nurturing a Resilient Mindset Cultivating a positive mindset is an essential component of effective chronic pain self-care. Focusing on gratitude, setting realistic goals, and practicing self-compassion can significantly impact your pain experience. A positive outlook can enhance your ability to cope with pain and navigate challenges with greater resilience. By shifting your mindset, you can harness the power of optimism to improve your overall well-being and foster a proactive approach to managing chronic pain. Remember: As you embark on your journey of chronic pain self-care, remember that it's essential to tailor these tips to your individual needs and preferences. Be patient with yourself and celebrate even the smallest victories. By incorporating these self-care practices into your daily routine, you can take control of your well-being and experience a more empowered and fulfilling life. Take Control of Your Health with Be Health Academy! Does your pain persist despite numerous attempts to find relief? Our self-healing program has empowered countless chronic pain sufferers to reclaim their lives. Be Healthy Academy is a sanctuary of knowledge and support for individuals seeking to manage chronic pain effectively. Our comprehensive resources blend scientific insights with holistic healing approaches, empowering you to harness your body's self-healing mechanisms. With Be Healthy Academy, you can embark on a transformative journey towards improved well-being, greater vitality, and lasting relief from chronic pain. References: Rikard, S. M., Strahan, A. E., Schmit, K. M., & Guy, G. P. Jr. (2023). Chronic Pain Among Adults — 2019–2021. MMWR Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 72, 379–385. Cleveland Clinic. (n.d.). Chronic Pain. Retrieved from Pathways Health. (n.d.). The Importance of Self-Care with Chronic Pain Conditions. Retrieved from PainScale. (n.d.). 16 Self-Care Tips for Individuals with Chronic Pain. Retrieved from Images shared under Free Creative Commons License, from Freepik or are from Ana's private gallery.

  • 5 Tips For Finding Peace in Chaos

    (This blog was inspired by our Self Study Course called "Find Peace in the Chaos: Tools for Busy People to Mindfully Manage Stress.) In the midst of life's chaos and challenges, finding inner peace can feel like an elusive goal. However, with the right strategies and mindset, it is possible to cultivate a sense of calm and tranquility even in the most turbulent times. This article will provide you with valuable tips and insights to help you find peace amidst chaos. 1. Embrace Mindfulness: Be Present in the Moment Mindfulness is a powerful practice that allows us to cultivate a state of heightened awareness and presence. According to the Brave Thinking Institute (1), mindfulness enables us to detach from the chaos around us and find inner peace. By grounding ourselves in the present moment, we can let go of worries about the past or future and focus on what is happening right now. Practice mindfulness through techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or mindful activities like walking in nature or savoring a meal. 2. Practice Self-Compassion: Nurturing Yourself Amidst Chaos During chaotic times, it is essential to prioritize self-care and self-compassion. The Bright Space Coaching blog (2) emphasizes the importance of taking care of ourselves amidst chaos. Treat yourself with kindness, understanding, and compassion, just as you would a dear friend. Engage in activities that nourish your soul, such as practicing hobbies, spending time in nature, or engaging in creative outlets. By prioritizing self-care, you can replenish your energy and find inner peace. 3. Establish Healthy Boundaries: Protect Your Inner Peace in Chaos Maintaining healthy boundaries is crucial when navigating chaos. Oprah Daily (3) suggests that setting boundaries is an act of self-respect and a way to protect our inner peace. Assess your relationships and commitments, and identify areas where you may need to establish clearer boundaries. Learn to say "no" to activities or requests that drain your energy or compromise your well-being. By prioritizing your needs and creating space for yourself, you can cultivate a sense of peace amidst the chaos. 4. Cultivate a Positive Mindset: Shifting Perspective in Chaos A positive mindset can be a guiding light in times of chaos. Practice reframing negative thoughts and cultivating gratitude for the present moment. Oprah Daily (3) highlights the importance of focusing on what you can control and letting go of what you cannot. Engage in positive self-talk, affirmations, and visualization techniques to foster optimism and resilience. By shifting your perspective and focusing on the blessings in your life, you can find peace even amidst the chaos. 5. Seek Support: Connecting with Others Building a support system is essential when navigating chaos. Connect with like-minded individuals who can provide encouragement, understanding, and empathy. The Bright Space Coaching blog (2) emphasizes the power of finding community in challenging times. Seek support from friends, family, or support groups, both online and offline. Engaging in open and honest conversations can provide a sense of validation and remind you that you are not alone in your journey. Conclusion Finding peace in chaos is a personal journey that requires patience, practice, and self-compassion. By embracing mindfulness, practicing self-care, establishing healthy boundaries, cultivating a positive mindset, and seeking support, you can discover a profound sense of peace amidst life's challenges. Remember that finding peace is not about eliminating chaos entirely but rather finding the inner resilience to navigate it with grace and serenity. Embrace these tips, and let them guide you toward a life filled with peace and tranquility. Do you want even more? Join Be Healthy Academy to learn more about how you can practice Self-Care and Self-Love!!! Be Healthy Academy is a one-of-a-kind membership dedicated to helping women (and men) improve their life and their health. It combines actionable steps, authentic healing practices, and monthly in-depth training to help you master the skills necessary to create a long-lasting inner transformation. The Academy includes:  👉 My Signature Step-by-Step Course: “Self-Healing Path: Heal from Chronic Pain” ~ 11 hours 👉 Interactive live meetings 2x a month 👉 Holistic library with 200+ simple video lessons with actionable practices 👉 Printable PDFs to support the self-healing journey 👉 Meditations and practical techniques to calm the nervous system 👉 A virtual and supportive community 👉 Q&A with a healthcare professional with over 15 years of experience 👉 Wellness challenges and accountability Join Be Healthy Academy now!!! Reference: Brave Thinking Institute. (n.d.). Finding Peace in Chaos. Retrieved from Bright Space Coaching. (2020, March 15). How to Find Peace Amid Chaos. Retrieved from Oprah Daily. (n.d.). How to Find Inner Peace. Retrieved from

  • 8 Effective Ways to Reduce Inflammation and Pain Naturally

    In today's fast-paced world, it's so common to experience pain and inflammation due to various factors such as injuries, chronic conditions, or even just stress. While there are several over-the-counter and prescription medications available, many people are seeking natural remedies to alleviate pain and inflammation without the potential side effects. In this article, we will explore 8 powerful natural remedies that can effectively reduce pain and inflammation, promoting overall well-being and a healthier lifestyle. 1-Stress Reduction: Find Calm Amidst the Storm Chronic stress can exacerbate inflammation and pain symptoms. Stress triggers the release of stress hormones, such as cortisol, which can increase inflammation levels in the body. Incorporating stress reduction techniques into your daily routine can help manage inflammation and alleviate pain. Meditation, for example, is a powerful practice that promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and calms the mind. Numerous studies have shown that regular meditation practice can lower inflammation markers and provide pain relief (7). Find a quiet space, practice deep breathing, and dedicate a few minutes each day to meditation to experience its benefits. 2-Exercise: Energize Your Body and Ease Discomfort Exercise is not only essential for overall health but also serves as a powerful tool in managing inflammation and pain. Engaging in regular physical activity helps promote blood circulation, strengthen muscles and joints, and release endorphins, which are natural pain-relieving chemicals in the body. According to numerous studies, exercise has been shown to reduce inflammation and improve pain symptoms in various conditions, including arthritis and chronic back pain (4, 5). Incorporate exercises that suit your fitness level, such as walking, swimming, cycling, or yoga, and aim for at least 15-20 minutes of exercise 2 or 3 times per week to reap the benefits. 3-Support System: Healing Power of Connection Having a strong support system is essential when dealing with inflammation and pain. Connecting with others who understand and empathize with your experiences can provide emotional support, alleviate stress, and enhance your overall well-being. Joining support groups, engaging in therapy or coaching, and maintaining open communication with loved ones can create a sense of belonging and help manage the emotional impact of inflammation and pain. Sharing your journey with others who have similar experiences can provide validation and practical advice for coping with the challenges you face. 4-Sleep: Recharge Your Body, Soothe Your Pain Quality sleep is crucial for overall health and plays a significant role in managing inflammation and pain. During sleep, the body repairs damaged tissues and release hormones that regulate pain and inflammation. However, lack of sleep or poor sleep quality can disrupt these processes and worsen pain symptoms. Creating a relaxing bedtime routine, ensuring a comfortable sleep environment, and practicing good sleep hygiene can significantly improve the quality of your sleep and reduce inflammation-related pain (6). Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night to support your body's natural healing processes. 5-Heat Therapy: Soothe and Relieve Heat therapy is a natural and accessible method for reducing inflammation and easing pain. Applying heat to affected areas dilates blood vessels, improves circulation, and relaxes muscles, providing relief from discomfort. Heat can be applied in various forms, such as hot water bottles, heating pads, warm baths, or warm towel compresses. It is important to avoid excessive heat and ensure that the temperature is comfortable and safe for your skin. Heat therapy can be particularly beneficial for conditions like muscle strains, arthritis, and menstrual cramps. 6-Turmeric: The Golden Spice Turmeric, a golden spice commonly in Asian cuisine, contains a compound called curcumin, known for its potent anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin inhibits the production of inflammatory markers and enzymes, effectively reducing inflammation in the body (1). Adding turmeric to your diet, either by incorporating it into your meals or taking curcumin supplements, can help reduce chronic pain caused by conditions like arthritis. 7-Ginger: A Spicy Solution Ginger is another natural remedy that has been used for centuries to combat pain and inflammation. It contains gingerol, a bioactive compound that possesses powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Healthline (n.d.) highlights ginger's ability to reduce inflammation and relieve pain, particularly in individuals with osteoarthritis (2). Consuming ginger tea or adding fresh ginger to your meals can help alleviate muscle soreness, joint pain, and inflammation. 8-Omega-3 Fatty Acids: The Healthy Fats Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines, have been widely studied for their anti-inflammatory properties. Medical News Today (n.d.) reports that omega-3 fatty acids help reduce the production of inflammatory chemicals in the body, leading to decreased inflammation and pain (3). These healthy fats can help reduce joint stiffness, pain, and inflammation associated with conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. Including omega-3-rich foods in your diet or taking fish oil supplements can provide natural relief from chronic pain. Conclusion: You can Reduce Inflammation and Pain Naturally Incorporating these natural strategies into your daily routine can help reduce inflammation and pain, improving your overall quality of life. Remember, individual responses may vary, and it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before making any significant changes to your health routine. By prioritizing exercise, quality sleep, stress reduction techniques like meditation, building a support system, and utilizing heat therapy, you can take proactive steps towards reducing inflammation and pain, leading to a happier and healthier you. If you want to learn more about how to start creating a healthier relationship with yourself, JOIN Be Healthy Academy - a Holistic Science-Based membership for everyone ready to take control of their health and heal from chronic pain. It is created By A Health Care Professional & designed for YOU to pick and choose the path that works for YOU!❤️ References: BrainMD. (n.d.). 8 Effective Natural Remedies for Inflammation. Retrieved from Healthline. (n.d.). 5 Surprising Natural Pain Relievers. Retrieved from Medical News Today. (n.d.). Top 12 natural painkillers: Herbs and other remedies. Retrieved from Exercise and Inflammation. (n.d.). Retrieved from Chronic Pain and Exercise. (n.d.). Retrieved from Sleep, Pain, and Inflammation. (n.d.). Retrieved from Meditation: In Depth. (n.d.). Retrieved from Images shared under Free Creative Commons License or are from Ana's private gallery.

  • Be Healthy with Ana Podcast List

    Click here for the main podcast page or scroll below to select an episode. Episode 1: How to Overcome Pain and Chronic Problems Holistically Episode 2: How to Harness the Power of the Mind with Lisa Moore Episode 3: Natural Ways to Balance Hormones and Boost Energy with Dr. Deb Matthew Episode 4: The Bracelet Technique: Creating New Habits Through Neuroplasticity Episode 5: Chromotherapy: The Secret To Healing Your Body With Color by Nicole DiCristofaro Episode 6: Reverse Diabetes & Activate Self-Healing with Karin Yehling Episode 7: From Near-Death Experience to Purpose with Donna Riley Episode 8: How To Move Forward After Being In A Narcissistic Relationship Episode 9: How To Avoid Spiritual Bypassing? Episode 10: How To Turn Stress into Excitement Episode 11: How to Stay Sane During the Holidays? Episode 12: Learn the 5 Steps to Shift your Energy and Start a Brand New Year Episode 13: How to Balance Traditional and Holistic Health? Episode 14: Why is It Hard to Ask For Help? Episode 15: How to Reduce Stress and Feel More Grounded

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